Geelong and District

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St Augustine's Orphanage T

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Admissions and Discharges : 1857-1878

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Name Ref. No. Age Gender Birthplace Date of Admission Date of Discharge Admission Remarks Discharge Remarks
TANNER John 108 6 Male Winchelsea February 17, 1865 September 13, 1872 Parents dead Apprenticed to John SHELTON, Farmer of Glendaruel for 5 years
TAYLOR John 224 9 Male Geelong February 26, 1872 March 21, 1874 Father was Labourer Returned to Mother
TAYLOR Richard 225 8 Male Geelong February 26, 1872 March 21, 1874 Father was Labourer Returned to Mother
TEWNSARD Patrick 309 3 Male Geelong August 23, 1875         
TISSOT Frederick E 199 6 Male Victoria April 28, 1871 December 10, 1877 Father dead proprietor of vineyard catholic so too mother Removed by his mother
TISSOT John Michael 200 4 Male Victoria April 28, 1871    Father dead proprietor of vineyard catholic so too mother   
TRAVERS John 189 8 Male Victoria December 11, 1870 April 20, 1874    Apprenticed to P. USHER, farmer, Darriwell
TROY David 296 10 Male Anukus February 18, 1875 April 3, 1878    Returned to his Mother
TROY Patrick 297 5 Male Anukus February 18, 1875 May 7, 1878    Returned to his Mother

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Last Updated on Friday, 22 May 2009 10:38  

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