Geelong and District

...covering local and family history in the greater Barwon region

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St Augustine's Orphanage N

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Admissions and Discharges : 1857-1878

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Name Ref. No. Age Gender Birthplace Date of Admission Date of Discharge Admission Remarks Discharge Remarks
NESBITT John 302 7 Male Ballarat March 13, 1875 September 24, 1875    Discharged to Friends
NESBITT Richard 303 5 Male Ballarat March 13, 1875 September 24, 1875    Discharged to Friends
NORTON William 166 5 Male Geelong December 31, 1868 January 27, 1876 Father dead Irish Labourer
Mother destitute Irish ? Mr Lee Warder Geelong Jail
Apprenticed to Mrs J POWELL for 3 years

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Last Updated on Friday, 22 May 2009 10:11  

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