Geelong and District

...covering local and family history in the greater Barwon region

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Home Geelong and District Not a Society!

Not a Society!

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Click to enlargeThis web site doesn't belong to the Geelong Historical Society, the Geelong Family History Group, the Geelong Heritage Centre, or any other local or family history group or organisation in the district.  It belongs to one individual who for a couple of decades has been compiling, collecting, encouraging volunteers, and creating these 400+ web pages for people researching in our region.

I hope to keep going for another couple of decades but please don't ask me for information about every place and/or person in the region.  If I did everyone's research for them this web site wouldn't exist!

I encourage you to use the Mailing Lists and other links offered on this site or to contact the myriad of other individuals or Research Centres in our region:

And most importantly, please don't abuse me for not providing you everything you ask for for nothing!  A massive amount of information is provided in total and free on this site.  Other information might require you to get off your backside and look up a book in a library [or use inter-library loan].

This web site is also designed to assist all those local & family history societies in our region whose volunteers work tirelessly to collect information to help with your research.  These groups are unfunded and have to pay their bills to survive.  They don't ask very much for Research Requests and they may just have that crucial information you're looking for that you'll never find on the major commercial sites!

NOTE: This web site isn't owned by any group but it DOES include the web site of the Bellarine Historical Society as well as many articles for the Bellarine Peninsula.

And what does the image above have to do with this article?  Not a lot, in fact absolutely nothing!  It's just one of my favourite photos because it makes me laugh - long and loud!

Some years ago we had a workshop meeting to identify a large number of photos without captions from the late Ian Wynd's collection.  This photo came up on a large screen - obviously an old iron building somewhere.  A voice piped up - "that's weatherboard".  Everyone in the room shouted out - "don't be silly, it's iron!"  It's weatherboard" came back the absolutely adamant reply.  "No it's not!" ... "It's weatherboard" ... "It's not!" ... "It's WEATHERBOARD!"  I can't remember how long this "conversation" continued in this manner but I remember that it seemed to go on for ages!

Finally the penny dropped - it might be an old iron building but it was located at the place called Weatherboard - a little bit south-west of Learmonth!  We laughed for the rest of the day! Smile

Local history can be so much fun! Wink


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