This and that

...things that didnt fit somewhere else

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WARNING: If you're using Internet Explorer and the drop down menus from the main menu items above don't work, make sure you click on the Compatibility View icon - everything works when you do!


With more than 400 web pages and a continually growing database it can be a little overwhelming knowing where to start. Don't be surprised at what might be included in this web site - it just keeps growing and growing with useful and interesting pages.  Try these tips and suggestions:

  1. Browse the drop-down menus and sub menus to get an idea of what might be included - some menus might include four levels of sub menus - e.g. Bellarine Peninsula / Towns N-Z / Ocean Grove / Corner Store.
  2. After you open a web page from a drop-down menu you will find they are grouped by colour to give you an idea of where you are - see details on Menu Groups below.
  3. Don't ignore links and background information - they could provide important details to help you further your research - e.g. List of Books.
  4. Use the Search box near the top right hand side of the screen or in the Advanced Search utility - see more details on Searching below.
  5. Search the Geelong and District Database - don't forget to read the Tips, Warnings and Info on using the database to make sure you get the most from your search.


Menus are grouped by topic and colour to help you visualise where you might be on the web site.  The "Breadcrumb" line at the top of each "page" [below the menus] will show exactly where you are in the structure and an option for working back up each level by clicking on different links in the Breadcrumb.

The coloured groups are:

  • Home - Blue
  • Geelong and District - Blue
  • Bellarine Peninsula - Pink
  • All Databases - Purple
  • Genie and History Links - Teal
  • This and That - Apricot
  • Contact Us - Blue


The main Geelong and District Database and a number of web pages are not included in the Search box near the top right hand side of the screen or in the Advanced Search utility.  To make the most of your searches you should be aware of what is included and what you should search separately.


On-line database:

Web pages [pdf files]:

My Blogs - search each using their own Search Box:

My Family Tree - full names and details of people not mentioned on the Family Tree Home Page:

  • All other web pages
  • All Acrobat [.pdf] files

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