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Hackney carriage owners

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In 1877, there were 48 licensed Hackney Carriages operating in Geelong.  This is based on entries in the Geelong Market Committee minute books in the archives at the Geelong Heritage Centre: GRS 853 Items 1-5 covering the years 1850-1956.  Initially this committee was responsible for the Markets and then the abattoirs, however over the years the responsibilities of the Geelong Market Committee branched out into a number of diverse areas and the Hackney Carriages was one such area.

It appears that Hackney Carriages were inspected on an annual basis and licensed for the following year.  The Market Committee was made up of councillors of the Town of Geelong and as well as the annual inspection and licensing of the carriages, the committee dealt with complaints associated with the carriages and their drivers - bad language, drunkenness, fare disputes, carriage stands etc.

Market Committee Minutes

Left: page from the Market Committee Minutes, 27th December 1877 [GRS853/1]






Cabs at Market Square

Above: outside Market Square late 1870s

Below are the details of the Hackney Carriages that were inspected in December 1877.

The Market & Hackney Carriage Committees
Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 27th Decr 1877
Present Cr Reeves, Chairman
Cr Crook
Cr Meakin
Cr McNab
Cr Martin
Cr Welsh
The Inspector of Hackney Carriages present.
The Committee met this day to make the Annual inspection of Hackney Carriages, prior to licenses being issued for same for the ensuing year, 1878.
The following cabs were inspected by the Committee and licenses for same were directed to be issued viz:-
License issued
[in Cab number order]
Cab number Additional information from 1882 Directory
LAWTON, John 1 cabman of Anderson street, Geelong West
FARRELL, Abram 4 cabman of Hope street, Geelong West
GALBALLY, James 5 cabman of Preston street, Geelong West
BEARD, Wm 9 cabman of Fyans street, Newtown and Chilwell
FRENCH, Wm 10 cabman of Malop street, Geelong
CLARKE, Geo 11 cabman of Russell street, Newtown and Chilwell
BREEN, Patk 13 cabman of Latrobe terrace, Geelong West
CANNY, Michl 18    
CANNY, Daniel 19 cabman of Little Malop street, Geelong
MURPHY, Patk 21 cabman of Swanston street, Geelong
O'SHEA, Martin 23 cabman of McNicol place, Geelong West
McMULLEN, Alexr 26  
BIRCH, James 31  
McMULLEN, Alexr 32  
UPJOHN, F J 44  
HUTCHINS, Henry 45 cab proprietor of Park street, Newtown and Chillwell
HAYWARD, Henry 48  
The Committee expressed their approbation and approval of the improved style of the Cabs presented for inspection, and the general good state and condition of the Horses & harnesses attached thereto being an improvement as compared with those presented for inspection last year.
The following persons failed to be present with their cabs for inspection viz:-
MARSHALL, John 2 cabdriver of Herne Hill, Corio Shire
HAYWARD, John 3  
HARMER, Wm 6  
GRANT, Logie 7 cabman of Ryrie street, Geelong
MARTIN, Hy 8  
LANE, Wm 12 cabman of Sydney place, Geelong
HUTCHINS, H P 14 cab proprietor of Park street, Newtown and Chilwell
KINANE, J 15 John, cabman of Weller street, Geelong West
BRADLEY, Saml (Bus) 17  
FISHER, Joseph 20 cabman of Collins lane off Little Ryrie street, Geelong
MARTIN, Joseph 22 cabman of Noble street, Newtown and Chilwell
DOBSON, James 24 [James Jun, cabman of Pakington street, Newtown and Chilwell]
FARRELL, John 25  
SHERIDAN, Michl 27 cabdriver of Herne Hill, Corio Shire
WINTER, John 28 cabman of Clarence street, Geelong West
BONSEY, Wm [in pencil at side] 29  
McSHANE, Philip 30  
SMITH, Josh 33 cabman of Austin street, Newtown and Chilwell
BIRCH, James 34  
MENCHAM [?], S 35  
GRANT, Wm 36  
TONKIN, F 37  
MANNING, Michl 38 of Winchester place off Little Myers street, Geelong
STONEHAM, S 40 Samuel, Swanston street, Geelong
MOYLAN, Patk 41  
TAYLOR, Thos Jun 42  
POTTER, Wm 43  
UPJOHN, G H 46 George H, cabman of Hope street, Geelong West
It was therefore ordered by the Committee that the Chairman Cr Reeves [crossed out and replaced with Cr Davey - new chairman?] be authorised with the assistance of the Inspector of Hackney Carriages to inspect all the remaining cabs, the owners of which desire to have licensed, and if approved to give a Certificate authorizing the Treasurer to issue a license accordingly.


Last Updated on Friday, 22 May 2009 03:50  

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