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Geelong District: Geelong and District Midwives

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Source of Index Pam Jennings with contributions from members of the Geelong & District Mailing List.

Further details of many of these database indexes may be available through the Geelong Family History Group.

Make sure you look at the two Research Options on their website and most importantly follow the link to the GFHG Research Files Catalogue List to check for these or many more indexes and documents.

Source and/or Location of Records
  • Geelong Advertiser - births, deaths, police courts, inquests
  • various individual contributors
  • Victorian Government Gazette - List of Midwives Registered [various dates]
Explanation of Fields
  • NAME: Either Midwife OR Child - COMMENT field will explain which
  • DATE: Date of event - birth, death, police court, Victorian Government Gazette date of registration or publication date etc - COMMENT field will explain which
  • OTHER NAMES: Either Midwife OR Child, or maiden name / married name of midwife if not a birth - COMMENT field will explain which
  • PLACE: Place of Birth or Residence [of midwife]
  • COMMENT: Event, explanation of NAME and OTHER NAMES field for EACH entry, and Notes re the Midwife
  • REFERENCE: Geelong Advertiser, Inquest or Victorian Government Gazette date and issue number

In 1956 [Issue 966] the majority of entries contained no address, therefore it was impossible to select "Geelong & District" midwives.

Completed Index?


Ongoing project

Number of entries Updated: 30th December 2013
  • 3,158
  • Some entries for midwives from birth certificates have been duplicated as they contain two sets of names - the Midwife and the Child
  • For midwives from the Victorian Government Gazette registers, duplicate entries have been added where a married name and maiden name are known
More Information? Please don't email asking for more information on any of these entries - I don't have ANY information on them - just the details provided that you can view for yourself.  My best suggestion would be for you to:

a. subscribe to the Geelong & District Mailing List and ask if anyone has further information; or
b. Check the various on-line indexes and databases in case there is a reference there; or
c. Search using Google or similar
d. Browse the Victorian Government Gazette [date on entry] for more details on midwife registered - usually gives full address and date of registration action

Can you help? Please feel free to contribute to this list - either from information from your family history research, or from details on birth certificates.  The only restriction is that the event must have occurred in the Geelong & District region. Email details to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
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Midwives Database [a subset of the full Pot-pourri Database]

Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 July 2020 02:50  

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