Geelong and District

...covering local and family history in the greater Barwon region

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St Augustine's Orphanage Q

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Admissions and Discharges : 1857-1878

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Name Ref. No. Age Gender Birthplace Date of Admission Date of Discharge Admission Remarks Discharge Remarks
QUIN Hugh 122 11 Male Ballarat March 27, 1866 March 4, 1868    Delivered to his Friends
QUIN Stephen 124 6 Male Ballarat March 27, 1866 March 29, 1872    Returned to Friends
QUIN Thomas 123 9 Male Ballarat March 27, 1866 July 1, 1869    Taken by his Friends

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Last Updated on Friday, 22 May 2009 10:22  

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