Bellarine Historical Society Inc

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Newington Cemetery: Photo Gallery

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Original (full size!) photos are held in the files of the Bellarine Historical Society, Drysdale, Victoria.

Some of the photos appear repetitive, however they are also a record of events and therefore deserve inclusion. The following photos are included :-

Newington Cemetery: Grannie (Susannah) Ferris"Grannie" (Susannah) FERRIS - the lady who really started this project and the only person excluded from the list of possible burials. Susannah wished to be buried in the Newington Cemetery with her two husbands, however the story goes that her daughter-in-law objected and she was buried in the Queenscliff Cemetery at Point Lonsdale.
Newington Cemetery: Henry Smith ChambersHenry Smith CHAMBERS - son of Joseph & Susannah Chambers, and father of William and Henry CHAMBERS who were buried in the Newington Cemetery.
Newington Cemetery: Emily Grances ChambersEmily Frances CHAMBERS nee FOX - wife of Henry Smith Chambers, and mother of William and Henry CHAMBERS who were buried in the Newington Cemetery.
Newington Cemetery: plaqueSaturday 4th March, 1989 : Laying of the plaque on the old Chamber's property.
Newington CemeterySaturday 4th March, 1989 : Descendants at the laying of the plaque on the old Chamber's property.
Newington CemeterySaturday 4th March, 1989 : View from the burial ground.
Newington CemeterySaturday 4th March, 1989 : Stone pitched wall of well on old Chamber's property.
Newington CemeterySaturday 4th March, 1989 : Belladonna lillies on the old Chamber's property.
Newington CemeterySaturday 4th March, 1989 : Descendants at the laying of the plaque on the old Chamber's property.
Newington CemeterySaturday 4th March, 1989 : Belladonna lillies and plaque on the old Chamber's property.
Newington CemeterySaturday 4th March, 1989 : Laying of the plaque on the old Chamber's property.
Newington CemeterySketch made by Jim Barry showing location of the plaque.
Newington CemeterySaturday 19th April, 1997 : L-R : Jim Barry, Bon McLean and Irvan Miller unearthing the plaque.
Newington CemeterySaturday 19th April, 1997 : The plaque.
Newington CemeterySaturday 19th April, 1997 : L-R : The field team - Jim Barry, Myrtle Filbay, Edna McLean, Bon McLean and Irvan Miller.
Newington CemeterySaturday 19th April, 1997 : L-R : The field team - Jim Barry, Myrtle Filbay, Susie Zada, Bon McLean and Irvan Miller.
Newington CemeterySaturday 19th April, 1997 : The location of the burial ground - clearly marked.

Last Updated on Monday, 11 May 2009 00:55  

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