Bellarine Historical Society Inc

...preserving the history of the Bellarine Peninsula

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Newington Cemetery: Where next?

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The production of this document certainly does not represent the completion of this project. Therre are still important tasks to be addressed :-

  • Permanent identification of the Newington Cemetery

The Bellarine Historical Society has had discussions with the Koombahla Park Equestrian Centre and the Geelong Hospital. Permission has been given to erect a fence around the comemorative plaque. The fence will be designed to meet the requirements of Koombahla to ensure there will be no danger to the horses which occupy the relevant paddock.

N.B. It is most important that people do not trespass on this property.

  • "Roadside" Signage

There are many people in the area who are aware of the general location of the Newington Cemetery - some before this research project began, and others since. A roadside sign indicating the presence of the Cemetery with as much detail as possible stressing that THERE IS NOTHING TO SEE would assist in deterring trespassers. Discussions with the City of Greater Geelong will be held about signage.

  • Press Releases

Announcements to the local press about this project will have the following benefits and content:-

  1. Inform locals of the importance of this site and the information which has been recorded.
  2. Request more information about the cemetery or burials.
  3. Stress the absence of anything to see and request that no-one trespass on this property.
  4. Generate public support and recognition for possible funding assistance.

The first release will be in The Whistler which is distributed in Wallington, Ocean Grove and Barwon Heads. This should be followed up with releases to the Geelong Advertiser and The Echo.

  • Funding

Funding assistance may be required for fencing and signage - local organisations, associations and businesses should be approached for support.

Last Updated on Monday, 11 May 2009 01:30  

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