Bellarine Historical Society Inc

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Queenscliff: Timeline

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Some events in the history of Queenscliff (many of the events were taken from 'A Visitor's Guide to Queenscliff' produced by the Port Phillip Authority and the Borough of Queenscliffe) :-

Pre-European SettlementArea inhabited by Bengalat balug (Clan) of the Wathaurong Tribe
1802First European explorers.
January : Lieutenant John Murray
April : Captain Matthew Flinders
1803 - 1835William Buckley the first European living in the area
1835 +Area investigated and surveyed by Wedge and Gellibrand
1836 +Area occupied by squatters
1836Lt. Tuckey named area "Whale Head", later changed to "Shortlands Bluff" after Lieutenant Shorland who was assisting in surveying Port Phillip Bay
1839Captain George Tobin obtained first sea pilot's licence
1842Paddle steamers were making the run down the bay to Queenscliff
1842 - 43First lighthouse constructed from local stone at Shortlands Bluff - later replaced by "Black Lighthouse". The first light shone in April 1843.
  • Queenscliff renamed in honour of Queen Victoria by Governor La Trobe
  • Township of Queenscliff surveyed and first land sales conducted
1860Voluntary Artillery Corps formed to man 3 cannons which overlooked Port Phillip Bay
1860'sQueenscliff predominantly a government and fishing town
1861 - 62Black Lighthouse built
  • First use of Black Lighthouse
  • Low, white lighthouse built
  • Railway from Geelong to Queenscliff constructed at a cost of £58,977
  • Palace Hotel in Gellibrand Street built - later renamed Esplanade Hotel
1878-1884Construction of a number of Forts guarding the entrance to Port Phillip Bay
1881 - 83Baillieu Hotel built - later renamed the Ozone Hotel
  • Reorganisation of the military garrison - voluntary soldiers were replaced by a permanent army staff
  • Part of Swan Island was converted into a station for the Military
  • Lathamstowe on the corner of Stoke Street was built by Mr. Latham, a wealthy brewer.
  • Vue Grande hotel built over the site of the wooden Australasia Hotel
1880'sTourist boom
1886Paddle Steamer "Ozone" commenced service between Melbourne and Queenscliff
1887Queenscliff Hotel in Gellibrand Street built
1888Queenscliff Library opened
1890Paddle Steamer "Hygeia" was built to supplement the bay service
1918Obelisk built to the left of the low light to delineate the eastern limit of the channel
1920'sPost World War I tourist boom
1924"Hume Tower" was constructed to mark the western limit of the channel
1947Coastal Artillery outmoded.  Australian Staff College takes over Fort for advanced officer training

Last Updated on Monday, 11 May 2009 06:06  

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