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Point Lonsdale: Street Names

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The following history of street names is reproduced from the Investigator with the kind permission of W. J. (Bill) Morrow and the Geelong Historical Society. Note : please remember that the Investigator began more than 30 years ago, therefore some names and buildings have since disappeared into history.

Captain William Lonsdale [was the] first Police Magistrate of Port Phillip (1836). Born in England in 1802, he joined the Army in 1819 and became a Captain in the King's Own Regiment in 1834 after his arrival in Sydney in 1831. He married Martha, eldest daughter of Benjamin Smythe, of Van Diemen's Land - Mount Martha carries her name. H.W.H. Smythe, the surveyor who laid out Geelong, was his brother-in-law.

During the visit of the "Rattlesnake" Pt. Lonsdale was named (34 years after Pt. Nepean) and in due course Lonsdale Street and Pt. Lonsdale Road were named after Capt. William Lonsdale, as were those in Melbourne and Geelong.

Admans Street Named after George Admans who, as a young man of 20, arrived in Queenscliff in 1852 where he followed his trade as a carpenter, building many of the town's buildings including the original pilots' quarters and a terrace of houses in Learmonth Street, near the Town Hall, named Thanet Terrace. He gave up building in 1865 and became an hotel-keeper and bought the Australasian Hotel from Walter A. Adamson. Later rebuilt, it became known as the Grand Hotel. Admans was a Queenscliff Borough Councillor for 24 years and five times Mayor.
Albert Street Probably named after Prince Albert, consort of Queen Victoria, in anticipation of the Queen's golden jubilee in 1887. See Robinson subdivision.
Alexander Crescent Named after Alexander Crigan, son of the original owner of the estate, who died on active service in World War I. See Crigan Road.
Anderson Street Family name of the subdivider. See Lockwood Street.
Ann Street Named after a daughter of the subdivider, Jack Simpson.
Arkins Street Thomas Arkins, whose name this street bears, was one of three brothers (John, Michael and Thomas), who came to Queenscliff about 1860 and followed the butchery trade. Thomas married a daughter of Capt. James Liddell, commander of the Thistle, which had brought members of the Henty family to Portland in 1834. He gave over 40 years of service to the Queenscliff Borough Council and was elected Mayor in 1911. He was connected with many Queenscliff activities, particularly sporting clubs.
Aurelia Close The land where this subdivision is located was originally a 2.3 acre block purchased by Mr. Gustav Adolph Ampt on his retirement from the Victorian Railways where he had been Chief Draughtsman. He built a house on the block in 1919 which he named "Aurelia", and he lived there until his death in 1942. His previous home in Hawthorn had also been called "Aurelia".
Ampt was born in Germany in 1854, was a qualified Civil Engineer, and arrived in Melbourne on March 30, 1880, aboard the Cotapaxi. On his death his three grandchildren subdivided the land and applied the name "Aurelia" to the subdivisional road.
Bailey Street Named after the subdivider of the estate, Stephen Egerton Bailey, who once lived at Suma Park (formerly Frankfurt-on-Sea) at Marcus Hill overlooking Queenscliff. It was once a racing stable belonging to the Wilson Family of St. Albans Stud fame. Bailey brought the name Suma Park from his property outside Orange, N.S.W.. He was the son of William Bailey, who was involved in the alleged case of goldmine salting at Mt. Egerton.
Baillieu Street Named by George Crouch of Ballarat who formed the first subdivision at Point Lonsdale. He was a great admirer of the celebrated Baillieu Family of Queenscliff, and fittingly named this street in its honour.
Bedggood Avenue Named after the Bedggood family by the eldest brother Rex who came to Queenscliff about 1934, his brothers Tom and Alan following shortly thereafter. They operated butchers shops until their retirement and Tom was a borough councillor for many years.
Bowen Road John Bowen was mate of the Lady Nelson and as such was probably the first official white man to set foot in the area now known as the Borough of Queenscliff. Bowen Road is very close to where the boat of the Lady Nelson is thought to have landed.
Brookes Street Named by Alfred Deakin Brookes, who subdivided the area of land owned by his father, Herbert Brookes. A. D. Brookes, as his name suggests, is a grandson of Alfred Deakin, second Prime Minister of Australia. A distinguished Australian, A. D. Brookes was also the first head of Australia's secret intelligence service.
Buckley Road William Buckley, the wild white man, is of course commemorated in this road which runs close to Buckley's cave below the lighthouse. Buckley escaped from the Sorrento settlement in 1803 and lived with the aborigines until he fell in with Batman's party at Indented Head in 1835. When William Lonsdale discovered Buckley had been a private in the King's Own Regiment in England he arranged for his pardon. This was granted by Sir George Arthur, Lieut. Governor of Van Diemen's Land.
Buckley Road, Pt. Lonsdale, was named in his memory by Mr. George Crouch of Ballarat, when the first subdivision in the area took place in 1882.
Carnegie Place Miss Helen Letitia Carnegie was a grand-daughter of the subdivider George C. Robinson. Her mother, Letitia Maud Robinson, married Henry Lambert Carnegie, a grazier of Gisborne. Miss Carnegie assisted Miss N. A. Dunn to publish the last edition of her history of Point Lonsdale and also published her own family's history which was privately circulated. The street, which is virtually an extension of Simpson Street, carries her family's name. See Robinson subdivision.
Caroline Street This street carries the Christian name of Mrs. S. E. Bailey, mother of William Henry Bailey who had an interest in Shadow King, that unlucky but consistent racehorse which was three times placed in the Melbourne Cup without winning the coveted trophy.
Cheshunt Street Named after the town in Hertfordshire in England where he was born. See Robinson subdivision.
Crigan Road Henry Hamilton Crigan, born in England in 1852, went to sea at the age of 14 and had eight trips around the world in sailing ships. He left the sea about 1882, joined the Victorian Artillery, and was stationed at Queenscliff. He then joined the Victorian Mounted Police, later returning to England to take up farming. Later still he went to Canada, where he joined the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and was stationed at Fort Qu'Appelle in Manitoba. Answering a call, he became an Anglican clergyman and returned to Australia in 1910. He bought land at Point Lonsdale and built a house there in 1912 which he named Qu'Appelle. he retired in 1922 and resided in the house until his death in 1936, aged 74 years. When the 15 acres of land associated with the house was subdivided the name Crigan was applied to the main subdivisional road.
Deakin Street This street is named after Alfred Deakin, second Prime Minister of Australia and an eminent and respected Victorian citizen. he spent much of his leisure time at Point Lonsdale and virtually retired there. His family provided the land for the memorial to local men who fell in World War I.
Diggora Court Marjorie Longuehaye, a daughter of Warwick Longuehaye married Alfred McNaught, a grand-son of Andrew McNaught, a pioneer of Diggora near Elmore from 1877. See Longuehaye Subdivision.
Douglas Court Named after the second name of the subdivider, Eric Douglas Wortley, of Melbourne. The name has no other family significance.
Downtown Crescent The street carries the maiden name of Mrs. L. M. Simpson, mother of Mr. Jack Simpson, one of the subdividers of the area.
Egerton Street As will be observed, this carries the second Christian name of S. E. Bailey - he was born at Mt. Egerton, a gold-mining area near Ballarat.
Elgin Grove Associated with Mrs. L. W. Anderson's homeland, Scotland. Elgin - former name of the County of Moray on Moray Firth. See Lockwood Street.
Elizabeth Street Probably named for the wife of Sir Henry Brougham Loch. She was Elizabeth, daughter of Hon. Edward Villiers and niece of the Earl of Clarendon. See Robinson subdivision.
Emily Street Named by Cr Alex Laker after his wife Emily Mae Laker.  The street is actually in the Shire of Bellarine although it is in the postal district of Point Lonsdale.  It forms part of the Hollywood Estate.
Ethel Court This street carries the Christian name of Mrs. Allan Simpson, one of the subdividers.
Fellows Road Judge Thomas Fellows, one of Queenscliff's greatest admirers, was admitted to the Victorian Bar in 1853 and subsequently elected to the Parliament where he was appointed to several important posts including Solicitor-General and Post Master General.  He became a judge in 1872 and was active in the creation of the Borough of Queenscliffe in 1863 and the erection of St. George's Anglican Church, Queenscliff, in which a plaque to his memory was erected, following his death on April 8, 1878.
Gill Road Edward Lockington Gill came to the area in 1879 and, following a period on the land, became the first postmaster for the area in April, 1910. Following his death in 1939, his daughter, Grace Gill, took over the position. Gill Hall, near St. James Church of England, was also named in honour of the family by the benefactor, Mr. R. A. Crouch, of Ballarat.
Girvan Grove Associated with Mrs. L. W. Anderson's homeland, Scotland. Girvan - a small fishing town and holiday resort in Ayrshire, Scotland. See Lockwood Street.
Glaneuse Road Named after a French barque which became a total wreck at Point Lonsdale in October, 1886, on what has since become known as the Glaneuse reef. The vessel was on its way to Melbourne with general cargo, including wine, a considerable quantity of which was salvaged and apparently enjoyed by many of the locals.
Golightly Street William Golightly Jnr. subdivided the land surrounding the road and gave it his family's name - one of the best known in the Queenscliff area. He was born in Queenscliff in 1861, son of William Golightly Snr. who had arrived in Queenscliff in 1852. Many of the buildings in Queenscliff were erected by father and son, including Merrylands guest house and the Foresters' Hall. Another son was Cr. John Richard Golightly, M.B.E., who gave yeoman service to the Borough of Queenscliffe, including being Mayor on seven occasions.
Grimes Road Named in honour of Charles Grimes (1772-1858) who became Surveyor-General of New South Wales in 1801. In 1803 he was sent from Sydney to make a survey of the Port Phillip area during which he discovered the Yarra River and Corio Bay. His charts were highly praised by Captain Matthew Flinders.
Hunter Court Named after Brigadier I. M. Hunter, C.V.O., M.B.E., Commandant of the Australian Staff College, Queenscliff, from December 7, 1963, to December 12, 1965. During that period a Commonwealth housing estate was built at Point Lonsdale to accommodate personnel of the College and their families. The subdivisional road created at that time naturally carried the name of the Commandant.
Jacqueline Court This street carries the Christian name of the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lording Gaylard, of Geelong, who subdivided the land about 1973.
Jennifer Court Named after Jennifer Nancy Sewell, daughter of the subdivider, Guy Beauchamp Sewell, of Melbourne.
The original source of the above information is unknown, however the following alternate information has since been provided:
Named after Jennifer Cribbes, daughter of the subdivider, Eric Douglas Wortley, of Melbourne.
Johnstone Street Originally Ward Street, but as there was a Ward Road in the municipality, the Queenscliff Borough Council decided in 1960 to change the name to Johnstone Street, to commemorate Vernon McGregor Johnstone, the then current mayor, who was a native of Queenscliff. Vern Johnstone was associated with the Carlton Hotel, Geelong, from 1968 to 1975, and was president of Geelong Football Club 1970 to 1973.
Jordan Road In 1863, Robert Jordan, and early school-teacher, became the first Town Clerk of the Borough of Queenscliff, an office he held for 31 years. He owned land in the vicinity of the road which now bears his name - this was later subdivided by his son Rupert. Robert Jordan was an exemplary citizen of Queenscliff and was a high ranking officer in the volunteer forces of the day.
Kelsey Court Said to be named after a sea captain of the same name who was apparently the great-great-grandfather of Warwick Longuehaye. See Longuehaye Subdivision.
Killearn Avenue Associated with Mrs. L. W. Anderson's homeland, Scotland. Killearn - a small village in Stirlingshire, Scotland, north of Glasgow. See Lockwood Street.
Kiora Street This short street between Kirk Road and Golightly Street is named after the early guest house "Kiora", which was once in the vicinity. A relatively primitive structure by today's standards, its roof was said to be made of flattened kerosene tins.
Kirk Road Originally Centre Road, its name was changed when the kirk (better known as St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church) was erected early this century at its corner with Winterley Road. The site for the kirk was presented to the Presbyterian Church by Richard Crouch, of Ballarat.
Klug Avenue Lewis Klug was born in 1869 at Sebastopol, Ballarat, and after a time was apprenticed to Ogg, the well-known Melbourne chemist. He later went to Queenscliff to manage the Grand Hotel and in 1911 he bought the Ozone Hotel from Agnes Baillieu. He was associated with almost every movement in Queenscliff and served the Borough of Queenscliff for 33 years, including 14 terms as mayor. A tablet to his memory is erected on the front wall of the Queenscliff Public Library.
Laker Drive The south end of Glaneuse Road to Ocean Road was re-named Laker Drive in honour of Alexander Eldred Laker who served a long period as a councillor of the Borough of Queenscliffe and was Mayor on four occasions. Although an electrician by trade, following his arrival in Australia in 1926 he followed many callings until the early 1930s when he came to Queenscliff. About 1935 he harvested salt from Lake Victoria behind Point Lonsdale and in 1936 started producing shellgrit in the same locality, the occupation for which he is best known. He was associated with many local movements and died at Geelong Hospital on March 19, 1971.
Lawrence Road This road no doubt commemorates brothers John and Sam Lawrence who owned a farm on this road.
Loch Street Sir Henry Brougham Loch was Governor of Victoria at the time of the subdivision. He was a very popular governor. See Robinson subdivision.
Lockington Crescent As will be observed above, this street bears the second christian name of Edward Lockington Gill, first postmaster of Point Lonsdale. See Gill Road.
Lockwood Street Mr. L. W. Anderson, a speculator from Ballarat, purchased broad acres from Wm. Lockwood, an early resident of the district, and on subdivision, named one of the streets in his honour. In the same estate he named the following : Anderson Street, Elgin Grove, Girvan Grove, Killearn Avenue, Pentland Road.
Longuehaye Subdivision Sgt. Arthur Longuehaye was a colourful personality in the Queenscliff area - he joined the Permanent Artillery in 1882 and was appointed Drum Major of the R.A.A. band, a position he held for many years. He was a very tall man who shunned the use of bicycles - he walked to the fort every day from his house at the "Springs". A part of the subdivision fittingly bears the name Longuehaye Reserve. Members of his family are named in the streets of the subdivision.
Maffra Court The schooner Maffra, built at Melbourne in 1876, was stranded off Point Lonsdale on May 6, 1888. The court bears the vessel's name.
Marion Court Named by the subdivider Rex Bedggood in honour of his wife, Marion Bedggood.
Marrita Court A combination of the Christian names of two daughters of Warwick Longuehaye - Marjorie and Rita. See Longuehaye Subdivision.
Mason Court Named after the Mason family by Frederick Charles Mason, the subdivider in 1975.
F. C. Mason, Snr., his wife Clara and family came to Queenscliff in 1911, he having served in the Boer War. Later in World War I he was awarded the Military Medal for bravery in the field.
His youngest son, Fred Mason, the subdivider, was born at Queenscliff in 1915, and had 23 years service in the Army, before joining the Education Department where he spent a total of 13 years at Geelong and the Queenscliff High School. In 1965 he joined the Borough of Queenscliff Council, being mayor in 1970 and 1971. He is a tireless worker for the Queenscliff community and is the owner of Spring Hill Holiday Park.
McDonald Road (off Fellows Road North) Believed to be named after Alexander C. Macdonald, a Geelong and Melbourne surveyor and speculator who, in 1865, owned a large block at the road's junction with Fellows Road.
Milne Court Named after Victor Albert Milne. See Victor Street.
Moore Court Named after Frederick Moore, a public servant who retired to Queenscliff in 1976. Born in Drumborg, son of William Moore, he purchased 22 acres in Point Lonsdale, which he later subdivided.
Murray Road Lieutenant John Murray, R.N., in command of H.M.S. Lady Nelson, was the first man officially to enter Port Phillip Bay. It is fitting that a road in this district has been named in his honour.
Nelson Road This road probably carries the name of H.M.S. Nelson, which was taken over by the Victorian Government after its arrival in Port Phillip Bay in 1867 as flagship for the Victorian Navy. It later served as a naval training ship in Port Phillip Bay. Captain J. F. Neilson, later a pilot and ancestor of Mr. D. G. Neilson, public accountant, was earlier associated with this vessel.
Nicholas Court Renamed after Alfred Nicholas, brother of George Nicholas of "Aspro" fame. He bought a guest house in the early 1920s, named "The Rest", and converted it into a family seaside home. The home was demolished about 1968, and the land subdivided.
Norman Crescent Named after Victor Norman Longuehaye - his first name could not be used as an earlier street in the district was so named. See Longuehaye Subdivision.
Pelham Court Pelham was the name of an upholstery fabric marketed in Australia by a company with which the subdivider, E. D. Wortley, was associated. It was also the name of the street in Carlton where another of the subdivider's companies, Jacka-Wortley Fabrics Pty. Ltd., was located.
Pentland Road Associated with Mrs. L. W. Anderson's homeland, Scotland. Pentland Hills - a well known range of low hills in south-east Scotland. See Lockwood Street.
Qu'Appelle Street The name of Fort Qu'Appelle was brought to the area by the Rev. H. H. Crigan, who spent time at Fort Qu'Appelle, Manitoba, as a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Fort Qu'Appelle was on a bend of a river of the same name which produced echoes - the literal translation of the French name being "who calls?" As has been stated elsewhere, Rev. Crigan named his house at Point Lonsdale Qu'Appelle. See Crigan Road.
Queen Street Now Nicholas Street to prevent confusion with Queen Street named earlier in the Queenscliff area; but like the prior street, it commemorated Queen Victoria's golden jubilee. See Nicholas Court. See also Robinson subdivision.
Rayleigh Avenue John and Maggie Roddick lived at "Rayleigh" which stood at the corner of Point Lonsdale Road and Elizabeth Street, Point Lonsdale. Rayleigh is a small village in Essex near Southend-on-Sea and is believed to have a connection with the Bannister and Wanliss families, who were earlier associated with the Point Lonsdale property and who were believed to be related on the female side.
Robertson Court Robertson was the maiden name of the wife of Jack Simpson who, with his brother Allen, subdivided the area surrounding the court. The brothers are estate agents in North Melbourne.
Robinson subdivision George Coleman Robinson, a pioneer of Point Lonsdale, subdivided property in 1886 and gave the names to the streets created.
Roddick Grove Said by Mr. Grenville Roddick, recently retired senior lighthouse-keeper, of Point Lonsdale, to have been named after his parents, John and Maggie Roddick. John was descended from Robert Roddick who was born near Dumfries, Scotland, and arrived in Victoria in 1854. In 1856 he went to Queenscliff from Melbourne and worked as overseer for Rev. James Clow who had a property at Oak Hill. He died in 1873, aged 40 years.
Rondella Court Part of the Gill subdivision, it carries the name of a reef situated between Point Lonsdale and Queenscliff. The steamer Milora was stranded on this reef in 1934. See Gill Road.
Rosalind Street This street carries the name of the subdivider, Mr. F. C. Mason. See Mason Court.
Sara Street Named after a daughter of the subdivider, Jack Simpson.
Simpson Street Charles Cheney Simpson, chemist, of Hesse Street, came to Melbourne on the Anglesea in 1856, and after a stay at the goldfields came to Geelong as an assistant to Robert McDonald, chemist, Ryrie Street. In 1860 he opened a chemist shop in Mercer Street, Queenscliff, and in 1862 removed to Hesse Street. He served on the Borough of Queenscliff Council and was Mayor in 1881/82 and was associated with many worthwhile causes until his death on December 23, 1892, aged 57 years. A stained glass window is erected to his memory in St. George's Church, Queenscliff, where he was Honorary Treasurer for many years. The street is named in his honour.
Spring Hill Court Named after the historic farm house "Spring Hill", purchased by Mr. F. C. Mason in 1942 and restored. The original owner of the area (1854) was William Harding; but Capt. William Dugdale and his wife took up dairy farming there about 1856 before moving to New Zealand in 1903. Capt. Dugdale and his wife and family arrived in Melbourne in 1852, he being Captain of the Duke of Bedford. His crew deserted the ship for the goldfields and, unable to engage another crew, he handed over the vessel to the agents. He unsuccessfully tried gold-digging and eventually settled ashore. See Mason Court.
(The) Springs Area This area around the entrance of Lonsdale Road to Point Lonsdale and west of the "narrows" was so named because of the presence of several fresh water springs which perpetually bubbled to the surface until about 1939 when adjacent roads were surfaced. Market gardens sprang up early and many Chinese lived in the vicinity. Many early citizens of Queenscliff lived there and have left their names in streets such as Werry, Ward and Lawrence. The Springs area is not a postal district, being regarded as part of Point Lonsdale - Queenscliff, according to which side of the Geelong-Queenscliff road it is situated.
Stoneman's Reserve This is a public reserve lying between the south side of Ocean Road and the ocean beach and extending west from the Commonwealth Lighthouse Reserve to Fellows Road.
Approved by the Department of Lands in 1932, it was named in 1933 by the Queenscliff Borough Council in honour of the late Thomas Stoneman, 11 times mayor of the Borough Council. He was also the first mayor of the Borough of Geelong West in 1875/6. A coachbuilder by trade, he was one of the original proprietors of the Western Stage Company, successor in Geelong to Cobb and Co.
Thomson Street Named after Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomson and their many descendants. The family settled first in the Wallington-Leopold area and after a time ran Coleman's Half Way House. Robert, the third son, born 1860, moved to Queenscliff, where he built up an extensive butchery trade. In 1920, he extended his activities to Geelong, where he took over the business of Mathews Bros., Moorabool Street. This business became the largest butchery business in Geelong's history, with branches in many suburbs. Who will forget the firm's fleet of chain-driven Trojan vans?
Timothy Street Named after the grandson of Alex. Laker.
Victor Street Named after Victor Albert Milne, who was born at Marcus Hill in 1900. A member of Victoria police for 14 years prior to two years overseas service in the A.I.F., Mr. Milne settled at Point Lonsdale and was employed by the Army at Swan Island until retirement.
Mrs. Milne, a grand-daughter of Robert Jordan, first Town Clerk of Queenscliff, bought land from her uncle, Rupert Jordan, which was later subdivided and her husband's name was applied to a subdivisional street.
Waiora Street An aboriginal name, Waiora in this case, refers to a street of the same name in Caulfield where the subdivider, Jack Simpson, once resided.
Ward Road

Stephen Henry Ward and his wife Harriet came to Australia from Cambridge with the Hentys, but later settled in the area of the Springs. A grandson, Norman Ward, still lives in the house built by Stephen H. Ward. The large family of five sons and two daughters and descendants have spread to many parts of Australia.

2009 update: Norman Ward did not live in Stephen H Ward's house but a smaller house on land owned by Stephen's son, Fred.  A descendant confirmed that Ward Road was named after the Ward family.  [Information provided by Norman Ward's grandson]

Warwick Hill Drive Named after Warwick Arthur Edward Longuehaye, a son of Sgt. Arthur Longuehaye. See Longuehaye Subdivision.
Werry Road George and Elizabeth Werry arrived in Australia from Cornwall about 1872, settling first at the "Springs" area and engaging in market gardening. Moving later into Queenscliff, George Werry took up cartage work, meeting the bay steamers and attending to the luggage. When their land was later subdivided, the family name was applied to the main subdivisional road.
Williams Road Dr. David John Williams was an early Health Officer at Queenscliff and was elected first Mayor of the Borough of Queenscliffe 1863-64.
Winterley Road Part of the Crouch subdivision in the district, this street carries a Crouch family name going back for many generations. The subdivider also had a daughter named Winterley Crouch.

Last Updated on Thursday, 30 July 2009 23:17  

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