Geelong and District

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Home Geelong and District Locations Municipalities and Rate Books

Municipalities and Rate Books

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The following information is incomplete but helpful in its current state.  Rate books for municipalities in our region are generally held by the current municipality, Public Record Office Victoria or the Geelong Heritage Centre.  Many have now been digitised and may be viewed at the Local Historical / Family History Society.  For those shown as part indexed below, follow the link below or look at the Potpourri indexes information for our region.

Shire Information Rates Information

Former Municip.

2000 Municip. PRO Ref Year from Year to Location Rate Books Descr Rate Books Ref Date Range Books / Boxes Digitised 
or Indexed
Order of entries before cards and computers
- Colac-Otway VA 3681 1994 Current - - - 1994 - - - -
- Corangamite VA 3682 1994 Current - - - 1994 - - - -
- Golden Plains VA 3688 1994 Current - - - 1994 - - - -
- Greater Geelong VA 3149 18th May 1993 Current - - - 1994 - - - -
- Moorabool VA 3708 1994 Current - - - 1994 - - - -
- Moyne VA 3712 1994 Current - - - 1994 - - - -
- Queenscliffe VA 2493 12th May 1863 Current Borough of Qcliffe - - 1863 - Current - - -
- Surf Coast VA 3721 1994 Current - - - 1994 - - - -
- Wyndham City Council VA 3726 15th December 1994 Current - - - 1994 - - - -

Former Municip.

2000 Municip. PRO Ref Year from Year to Location Rate Books Descr Rate Books Ref Date Range Books / Boxes Index Order of entries before cards and computers
Bacchus Marsh Road District Moorabool VA 4406 27th September 1856 6th October 1862 PROV - Ballarat (BAC) Rate Records VPRS 13037 / P1 1863 - 1916 10 - -
Bacchus Marsh and Maddingley Road District VA 4407 26th October 1862 1871 VPRS 13037 / P2 1916 - 1953 38 - -
Bacchus Marsh Shire VA 2378 23rd January 1871 1994
Ballan Road District Golden Plains / Moorabool VA 967 14th October 1862 1864 PROV - Ballarat (BAC) Rate Books VPRS 5557 / P0 1863 - 1946 61 - -
Ballan Shire 2nd November 1864 1994 VPRS 5557 / P1 1946 - 1985 17 - -
Bannockburn Road District Golden Plains / Greater Geelong VA 2381 1862 1864 Geelong Heritage Centre Rate Books GRS 798 1876 - 1975 - Digitised
1876 - 1938
part Indexed GDDB
Bannockburn Shire 1864 1994
Barrabool Road District Surf Coast VA 2382 28th December 1853 1865 Geelong Heritage Centre Rate & Valuation Books GRS 877 1870 - 1965 - Digitised
1870 - 1953
part Indexed GDDB
Barrabool Shire 13th June 1865 1994
Portarlington Road Board Greater Geelong VA 2386 12th December 1853 1860 Geelong Heritage Centre Rate & Valuation Books GRS 911 1864 - 1992 -

Digitised Rates: 1864-1956
Valuations: 1863-1901

1864-1888 (on-going project)
part Indexed GDDB

Grouped by Riding (Parish) then in location (geographic) order
Indented Head Road Board 29th October 1860 1865
Bellarine Shire 18th September 1865 1989
Bellarine Rural City Council 12th December 1989 1994
Bungaree Road District Golden Plains / Moorabool VA 2398 12th January 1863 1871 PROV - Ballarat (BAC) Rate Books
VPRS 16688 / P1
1925 - 1955
49 - -
Bungaree Shire 23rd January 1871 1994
Buninyong Road District Golden Plains / Moorabool VA 2399 9th July 1858 1864 PROV - Ballarat (BAC) Rate Records VPRS 13490 / P1 1863 - 1909 34 - -
Buninyong Shire 16th February 1864 1994 VPRS 13490 / P2 1909 - 1955 68 - -
Camperdown Borough Corangamite VA 2400 9 September 1952 1959 - - - - - - -
Camperdown Town VA 2400 21 January 1959 1994 Camperdown Heritage Centre Rate Books -

1960 - 1980 [register]

1980 - 1994 [computer printout]

- - -
Colac Road District Colac-Otway VA 2409 11th March 1859 1864 Geelong Heritage Centre Rate Books GRS 1393 1865 - 1990 - Digitised
1864 - 1923
part Indexed GDDB
Colac Shire 18th May 1864 1994
Colac Borough VA 2408 1938 1948 Rate & Valuation Books GRS 1395 1938 - 1993 - - -
Colac Town 1948 1960
Colac City 1960 1994
Corio Road Board Greater Geelong / Golden Plains - 25th April 1861 1864 Geelong Heritage Centre Rate & Valuation Books GRS 1210 1865 - 1983 - - -
Corio Shire 21st June 1864 1993
Geelong Town Greater Geelong VA 2431 12 October 1849 1910 Geelong Heritage Centre Rate Books GRS 868 1850 - 1993 - - -
Geelong City 1910 18th May 1993 Valuation Books GRS 867 1854 - 1901 - - -
Geelong West Borough Greater Geelong VA 2432 29 May 1875 1897 Geelong Heritage Centre Rate Books GRS 758 1875 - 1993 - Digitised
1875 - 1949
Geelong West Town 26 February 1897 1922
Geelong West City 22 March 1922 1993
Grenville Road District Golden Plains VA 2436 27th August 1861 1864 PROV - Ballarat (BAC) General Rate and Valuation Books VPRS 5974 / P1 1897 - 1940 43 - -
Grenville Shire 16th February 1864 1994 Extra Rate and Valuation Book - East Riding VPRS 7226 / P1 1904 - 1905 1 - -
Valuation Books VPRS 7225 / P1 1912 - 1917 - - -
Hampden Road District Colac-Otway / Corangamite VA 2438 28th April 1857 1994 - - - - - - -
Hampden Shire 31st December 1863 1994 Camperdown Heritage Centre Rate Books -

1870 - 1962 [bound]

1879 - 1904 [Rate AND Valuation Books]

- -

Missing years: 1905 - 1908, 1911, 1912

Heytesbury Shire Colac-Otway / Corangamite VA 2441 31 May 1895 [part] 1919, [part] 1969, 1994 Camperdown Heritage Centre Rate Books -

1920 - 1949 [bound]

1986 - 1994 [computer printouts]

- - Missing years: pre 1920, 1950 - 1985
Leigh Road District Golden Plains VA 2456 27th August 1861 1864 Geelong Heritage Centre Valuation & Rate Books GRS 780 1863 - 1986 - Digitised
1863 - 1961
part Indexed GDDB
Leigh Shire 22nd March 1864 1994
Meredith Road District Golden Plains VA 4732 30th June 1863 1871 Geelong Heritage Centre Rate & Valuation Books GRS 804 1866 - 1919 - - -
Meredith Shire 28th April 1871 15 Sep 1915
Mortlake Road District Corangamite VA 2475 20th July 1860 1864 - - - - - - -
Mortlake Shire 26th January 1864 1994 PROV - Melbourne (VAC) Rate Books VPRS 14401 1922 - 1994 - - -
Newtown & Chilwell Borough Greater Geelong VA 2481 9 March 1858 1924 Geelong Heritage Centre Rate Books GRS 752 1859 - 1979 - Digitised
1860 - 1950
Newtown & Chilwell Town 16 April 1924 1949
Newtown & Chilwell City 4th October 1949 1993 Valuation Books GRS 753 1861 - 1899 - - -
Otway Shire Colac-Otway / Corangamite VA 2485 6th May 1919 1994 Geelong Heritage Centre Rate Books GRS 1404 1919 - 1992 - - -
Queenscliffe Municipal District Queenscliffe VA 2493 1863 1863

Borough of Qcliffe [1863 - current]

Queenscliffe Historical Museum [1863 - 1963]

Rate Books - 1863 - Current - Digitised
1863 - 1963
Queenscliffe Borough 12th May 1863 Current
Ripon Road District Corangamite VA 2496 April 1861 1863 PROV - Ballarat (BAC) Rate Records VPRS 12321 / P1 1864 - 1987 92 - -
Ripon Shire 18th December 1863 1994
South Barwon Municipal District Greater Geelong / Surf Coast VA 2510 1857 1863 Geelong Heritage Centre Rate Books GRS 772 1857 - 1989 - - -
South Barwon Borough 1863 1875
South Barwon Shire 1875 1974
South Barwon City 6th December 1974 1993
Steiglitz Borough Golden Plains VA 4733 October 1866 1881 Geelong Heritage Centre Rates GRS 820 1866 - 1878 - Digitised
1865 - 1878
[Steiglitz] amalgamated with Meredith Shire Golden Plains VA 4732 1881 1915 Geelong Heritage Centre Rates GRS 804 1866 - 1919 - - -
[Steiglitz] amalgamated with Bannockburn Shire Golden Plains VA 2381 1915 1994 Geelong Heritage Centre Rates GRS 798 1876 - 1975 - - -
Wyndham Road District Wyndham / Greater Geelong VA 4362 14th October 1862 1864 PROV - Melbourne (VAC) Rate Books VPRS 2130 / P0 1863 - 1935 75 - -
Wyndham Shire VA 4362 11th March 1864 1909
Werribee Shire VA 2533 15th December 1909 1987 Summary Rate Book VPRS 2131 / P0 1934 - 1935 1 - -
Werribee City VA 2533 1987 15th December 1994
Winchelsea Road District Colac-Otway / Surf Coast VA 2537 9th November 1860 1864 Geelong Heritage Centre Rate Books GRS 879 1864 - 1982 -

1863 - 1952
part Indexed GDDB


Winchelsea Shire 27th May 1864 1994
From the PROV archives site:

How to use Rate (& Valuation) records : Rate records can be arranged in various ways.  It is common for rate records to be created according to the year in which the rate was levied and then by the ward or riding of the municipal district.  Within that arrangement entries are usually made by street and property number. The arrangement of the streets may be alphabetical but more often than not they are arranged according to an established route taken by the assessor.  In the latter case it is common for the entries for each property to be allocated a consecutive rate (or assessment) number which reflects the particular route.  The rate numbers usually change each year due to the addition or removal of rateable properties along the route.  An index to street names is sometimes created to assist identification of entries under this arrangement.  Other councils recorded rate entries in surname order.

Function / Content : Every year each local council is required to make and levy rates in respect of all rateable properties within its municipal district.  The Municipal Institutions Act 1854 (No.26) empowered local councils to make by-laws for the regulation of their own proceedings including the collection of rates.  The amount of rate is therefore determined by the council although a statutory limit applies. Rates are the main source of revenue for the council.

The rate record is a record of the levying and payment of rates on rateable properties.  Apart from the general rate which is levied equally on all properties, a council may levy an extra rate or a special rate.  An extra rate may be levied, over and above the general rate, on a subdivision of a municipality to cover expenses occurred in that subdivision.  A special rate may be levied when a council undertakes works for the special benefit of a particular portion of the municipality.  Separate rate records are maintained for general, extra and special rates and these are therefore registered as separate series.

For each rateable property a record is created which identifies the property and person rated and includes details of the annual value of the property, the amounts due, amounts paid, arrears and when rates were abandoned.  A complete rate record may comprise two parts: a Register of Rateable Properties and a Rates Register.  The Register of Rateable Properties identifies the properties and persons rated and the Rates Register comprises the accounting details.  Where these two parts exist they are registered separately.

The format of rate records has changed over the years.  Initially the levying and payment of rates were recorded in volumes (known as Rate Books) until the introduction of cards (known as Rate Cards) from the 1930s.  In the 1980's and 1990's automated systems have mostly been used.  Printouts of the automated system are usually produced as the rate record.  Series of rate records in different formats are registered separately.

IMPORTANT NOTE : Early Rate Books also recorded the Occupier AND the owner, and their occupations.


Last Updated on Saturday, 13 May 2017 05:51  

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