Geelong and District

...covering local and family history in the greater Barwon region

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Home Geelong and District Locations Places in c.1882-1890

Places in c.1882-1890

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It's important to understand what places were like in the time our ancestors lived in the region.  The following extracts appeared in Maning & Bishop's Geelong and Western District Directory 1882-3 or the Victorian Municipal Directory for 1890.

Places in our Region ...
ANGLESEA RIVER [1890], A postal hamlet about 24 miles from Geelong.  Very comfortable accommodation established at this favorite place of resort.  The scenery is fine and good fishing and shooting obtainable.  Top
BANNOCKBURN [1882], a hamlet on Bruce's creek, near Leigh Road railway station.  [Bannockburn is in the Shire of Bannockburn.]  Top
BARWON HEADS [1890], Beautifully situated at the mouth of the Barwon river.  A number of the residents of Geelong have, since the Government subdivided and sold a portion of the reserve, built seaside residences at this favorite spot.  A large coffee palace has been erected and a post and telegraph office established in connection with it.  The scenery from this place is romantic and pretty and the climate is very invigorating.  Dobb & Co. run a daily coach leaving Geelong at 9 a.m. and returning from Barwon heads at 4 p.m.  Top
BATESFORD [1882], a post town, forty-eight miles S.W. of Melbourne, and about six miles from Geelong.  Rail to Moorabool station, on the Geelong and Ballarat railway.  Much fruit is grown in the neighbourhood, and the soil generally is well adapted for tillage.  There is one State school, one church, and an inn.  [Batesford is in the Shire of Corio.]  Top
BEEAC [1882], a township situate on Lake Beeac, 105 miles from Melbourne, at which an extensive salt factory is established.  [Beeac is in the Shire of Colac.]  Top
BELMONT and MARSHALLTOWN [1882], small townships on the River Barwon, the residents of which find employment chiefly in the industries located on the river.  [Belmont and Marshalltown are in the Shire of South Barwon.]  Top
BIRREGURRA [1882], a post town, savings bank, telegraph and money-order office on the Barwon river, eighty miles south-west of Melbourne.  It is a station on the Geelong and Colac railway.  A State school, three hotels and a bank.  The country to the north consists of plains; to the south of heavily timbered ranges; and to the west and south-west of undulating and well grassed rises.  The district is a farming and grazing one.  [Birregurra is in the Shire of Winchelsea.]  Top
BORONGAROOK [1890], A postal township lying 5 miles S of Colac on the Apollo bay-road.  Population, 30.  Top
CERES [1882], an agricultural village, pleasantly situated among the Barrabool Hills, about four miles from Geelong.  [Ceres is in the Shire of Barrabool.]  Top
COLAC [1882], a township situated on Lake Colac, one of the largest freshwater lakes in the colony.  The town has a money-order and savings bank office, and telegraph station, on the Borangarook creek, on the main road from Geelong to Warrnambool, and in the police district of Geelong.  A line of railway connects it with Geelong.  There are branches of three banks, and many of the insurance companies have agencies.  It has about ten hotels.  There is a public library, having 1440 volumes; a shire hall, a State school, several churches, and a flour mill.  The Western Meat-preserving Company here works intermittently.  Among other industries may be mentioned two tanneries, three steam saw mills, one steam flour mill.  Among societies and lodges are the Odd-fellows, Sons of Temperance, Good Templars, and Foresters.  Excellent quarries of granite and freestone are found and used for road and building purposes.  The district is partly taken up by stations, and in part by farms.  Selection of land is now rapidly going on in the Colac Forest and Apollo Bay districts.  The land is well suited for tillage, and likely to attract settlers now the communication is better.  There are two newspapers.  An annual regatta is held on the lake, where splendid fishing can now be had, it being no uncommon thing for one rod to take 60 lbs. weight in one day.  Coal, recently found in the district, is expected to largely develop the resources of the shire.  [Colac is in the Shire of Colac.]  Top
CORANGAMITE [1882], the largest single lake in Victoria, most frequented by wild fowl.  From this point westward commences a very picturesque range of country known as the Stony Rises, completely surrendered to rabbits.  [Corangamite is in the Shire of Colac.]  Top
CORINDHAP (BREAK OF DAY) [1882], a township on main road to Ballarat, two miles N. of Rokewood.  This is a mining district; Break of Day diggings were at one time very rich, but have lately much fallen off.  A large area of land in the neighbourhood has been selected by the miners and others, a good deal of the same is under cultivation with hay and cereals.  There are four hotels, a State school, and one church.  [Corindhap is in the Shire of Leigh.]  Top
CRESSY [1882], a post town and money-order office on the Woady Yallock creek, eighty-seven miles S.W. of Melbourne, on the upper road between Geelong and Warrnambool, the coaches to and from which places pass through the town.  It has a State school.  Squatting is almost exclusively followed in the district.  [Cressy (part) is in the Shire of Colac.]  Top
CRESSY [1882], a small town on the river Woady Yallock, eighty-seven miles from Melbourne, and forty-two miles from Geelong.  The shires of Hampden, Colac, and Leigh all meet at the centre of the bridge.  Coach passes each way twice a week, from Geelong to Mortlake, and vice versa.  There is one hotel, one State school, and Presbyterian church.  The land in the locality is nearly all pastoral, with the exception of the rich flats near the river, which are cultivated, yielding hay and cereal crops.  Large quantities of whitebait are caught in the river here during the summer months, and are sent in cartloads to Ballarat.  There is also a police station here.  [Cressy (part) is in the Shire of Leigh.]  Top
DEANS MARSH [1890], An agricultural township with post and money-order office 92 miles SW of Melbourne.  There is a State school, hotel and place of worship.  The projected railway has been surveyed to come within three-quarters of a mile from the Marsh; easier facilities for reaching Lorne will ensue.  Population, 150.  Top
DEREEL [1890], A mining and postal township 94 miles W of Melbourne.  Population, 106.  Top
DRYSDALE [1882], a telegraph and railway station on the Queenscliff line of railway.  It has a savings bank in connection with the post office, also a money-order office, and a branch of the Colonial Bank.  It is situated one mile from Lake Lorne, two miles from Drysdale jetty, on Port Phillip Bay; and is fifty-eight miles from Melbourne by rail and road, and thirteen by road or rail from Geelong.  There is a daily coach through from Geelong to Portarlington.  Steamers convey on stated days goods and passengers to and from Geelong and Melbourne.  The shire hall and court house is a new and commodious building, specially adapted for the purposes for which it was erected.  There are three churches, a State School, and a mechanics' institute.  The Roman Catholic body have their own school, which is held at their chapel.  The land is well tilled for onions, potatoes, and corn, and supplies the early crops to Geelong, Ballarat and Melbourne markets, and large quantities are shipped to New South Wales and the northern parts of the colony.  The land south of the town is poor, and is utilised for pasturing sheep, and held in comparatively small quantities by the graziers.  Perch, carp, and tench can be found with rod and line in the local reservoir.  There are several mineral springs at Clifton, which are well reported of by the medical faculty.  [Drysdale is in the Shire of Bellarine.]  Top
DURDIDWARRAH (STONY CREEK) [1882], seventy-seven miles from Melbourne, on the Reservoir which supplies Geelong with water.  Rail to Meredith, thence coach..  [Durdidwarrah is in the Shire of Meredith.]  Top
FYANSFORD [1882], a post town, situated near the junction of the Barwon and Moorabool rivers, forty-eight miles S.W. of Melbourne, and three miles from Geelong.  It has a State school and one hotel.  Farming, gardening, and till lately a vine growing district.  An extensive paper manufactory is in full working near the township.  [Fyansford is in the Shire of Corio.]  Top
GEELONG [1882] is distant by Railway 45 miles from Melbourne, and is situated upon a range of hills running east and west, descending on the north to that beautiful sheet of water known as Corio Bay, and on the south to the River Barwon; and is without doubt one of the most delightfully situated and healthiest towns in the Colony.  The population of Geelong, and adjoining Boroughs, as per last census, is 19,200.  Its streets are broad, well paved, and abound with attractive shops, handsome public buildings, fine stores, and other business premises.  Among the larger buildings may be mentioned the Town Hall, the Exhibition Hall, the Hospital and Benevolent Asylum, the free Public Library (in Moorabool Street), the Mechanics' Institute (having a library of 14,300 volumes), and the Post Office; the premises occupied by the numerous Banks, the Clock Tower, the Volunteer Fire Brigade Station; the Churches, of which there are three Episcopal, two Roman Catholic, five Wesleyan, five Presbyterian, four Baptist, three Primitive Methodist, one Congregational, and a Synagogue; the Grammar School, Geelong College, High School, Ladies; College, the several State Schools; Supreme Court, &c.  There is an extensive and well laid-out Botanical Garden, besides two Parks.  Geelong is lighted with gas, and is at present supplied with water from Stony Creek reservoirs and the river Barwon.  There are four jetties in Corio Bay, along which ships of the largest tonnage can load and discharge; and during the wool and grain seasons, a large number of fine vessels are loaded and despatched for British and foreign ports.  There is a regular communication by sea with Melbourne, as well as by land.  The Town has the credit of establishing the first Woollen Mill in Victoria.  The cloth is manufactured by hand loom and steam power.  At present four Mills are in full operation.  Corio Bay is so well sheltered that two public companies have erected four very capacious Bathing Establishments, which are well supported.  There are also some of the largest Tanneries in the colony, several excellent Wool-scouring establishments, and a Paper Mill fitted with machinery capable of producing all kinds of paper.  The Newspapers are - Three daily and one weekly.  There are extensive quarries of limestone at the eastern boundary of the town, on the shores of Corio Bay.

For municipal purposes Geelong has been divided into three Boroughs: Geelong Proper, Newtown and Chilwell, and Geelong West.  In the Borough of Newtown and Chilwell there are situated - the Protestant and the Catholic Orphanages, the Convent of Our Lady of Mercy, which has also an Orphanage for girls.  The places worth seeing are Jeffery's Fernery, containing one of the largest and most varied assortment of ferns to be found in any conservatory in the colony; and several pretty views of the Barwon and Moorabool rivers to be obtained from Herne Hill, and the high lands overlooking the valleys through which those rivers pass.    Top

GERANGAMETE [1890], A postal township 10 miles SE of Colac on the Apollo bay0road and 100 miles 100 miles SW of Melbourne.  Top
GERMANTOWN [1882], a town in the police district of Belmont, forty-nine miles S.W. of Melbourne, and four miles N.E. of Geelong.  It has one hotel, one State School and three churches.  The district is largely covered with orchards and farms.  [Germantown is in the Shire of South Barwon.]  Top
GHERINGHAP [1890], A postal township and railway station 55½ miles SW of Melbourne.  District, agricultural.  One State school and two churches.  Top
HESSE [1890], A small postal township 75 miles SW of Melbourne, situated on Warrambine creek.  Top
HIGHTON [1882], a town forty-eight and a-half miles from Melbourne.  It is the prettiest township near Geelong, and is a favourite place of residence for a number of Geelong people, including Messrs. William Higgins, John Simpson, Colonel Conran, J. C. Cochrane and the Rev. E. F. Kingdon, who have handsome residences and grounds; it is also an agricultural and horticultural district.  Thomas Adcock's very extensive "Kardinia" nursery is situated in this district.  There is a State school, and three churches.  [Highton is in the Shire of South Barwon.]  Top
INVERLEIGH [1882], a township and money-order and savings bank office on the Leigh and Barwon rivers, sixty-one miles W. by S. of Melbourne.  Leigh Road, eight miles distant, is the nearest railway station.  A conveyance meets the midday trains Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.  Geelong is eighteen miles distant.  A coach passes from that place through Inverleigh for Mortlake every Tuesday and Friday, returning the following day.  The mechanics' institute has a library of 500 volumes.  It has a State school.  The land is of a fertile character, and dotted with numerous farms; some portion of the district is occupied by runs.  [Inverleigh is in the Shire of Bannockburn.]  Top
IRREWILLIPE [1882], a township a few miles south of Pirron Yallock.  [Irrewillipe is in the Shire of Colac.]  Top
JAN JUC [1882], a police district of Mount Moriac, and a post town, near Spring Creek, sixty-one miles S.W. of Melbourne.  There are two chapels and a State school.  It is a pastoral and agricultural district.  [Jan Juc is in the Shire of Barrabool.]  Top
KRAMBRUK [1890], A postal township with telegraph station 144 miles SW of Melbourne on Apollo bay, near Cape Otway.  A favourite watering place and excellent fishing ground.  There is a commodious jetty over 500 feet long.  The Apollo Bay Timber Company's works are situate on the Elliott river, about four miles distant, with steam tramway from works to the bay, their operations being on an extensive scale as the timber is the best in the colony.  Between Colac and Apollo bays the land is being rapidly taken up for agricultural purposes, the soil being of the richest description.  The surrounding scenery is exceedingly picturesque.  Top
LARA (DUCK PONDS) [1882], in the police district of Geelong, is a township and railway station on the Geelong and Melbourne railway.  It is thirty-five and three-quarter miles S.W. of Melbourne, and ten miles from Geelong.  There is a State school and three churches.  The district contains a large number of extensive grazing properties, and numerous dairy and agricultural farms.  There are several limekilns, which supply largely Melbourne, Ballarat, Castlemaine, Echuca, and even Riverina.  [Lara is in the Shire of Corio.]  Top
LAYARD [1882], a small township near Lake Modewarre.  [Layard is in the Shire of Barrabool.]  Top
LEOPOLD (KENSINGTON) [1890], A small village 52 miles SW of Melbourne, 7 miles E of Geelong and 15¾ miles W of Queenscliff, with Lake Connewarre 2 miles S.  The district is well suited to fruit-growing.  There are two churches and a State school within one mile of the post office.  It is a station on the Queenscliff railway line.  Population, about 100.  Top
LETHBRIDGE [1882], is a post town and railway station on the Geelong and Ballarat line of railway, thirty-five miles from the latter place, about twenty miles from Geelong, and sixty-one and a-quarter miles S.W. of Melbourne.  It has three churches and a State school; also an agency for one of the insurance companies.  There are numerous farms and stations in this district, and quantities of grapes and other fruits are raised.  Some of the best and most extensive quarries of bluestone in the colony are here, and when extra sizes are required, large quantities are forwarded to Geelong, and even to Melbourne.  Limestone is also to be found in the neighborhood.  [Lethbridge is in the Shire of Bannockburn.]  Top
LORNE [1882], a watering place on Loutit Bay, 100 miles from Melbourne, is fast becoming a favourite place of resort for invalids and others seeking a milder climate.  The scenery of Erskine river is very fine, and with the facilities of transit by coach from Winchelsea or Colac, yield all the advantages of a more distant trip without its heavy cost.  There is a new State school; also postal and telegraph communication, and ample hotel accommodation.  The Grand Pacific hotel lately built there is pronounced to be one of the largest and finest structures in the colony.  [Lorne is in the Shire of Winchelsea.]  Top
MARSHALLTOWN [1890], An agricultural, manufacturing and postal township, 49 miles SW of Melbourne on Barwon river, the residents finding employment chiefly in the industries located on the river.  It has one place of worship, racecourse and various factories.  Population, 225.  Top
MAUDE [1882], a village on the Moorabool river, three miles from Lethbridge railway station, from which a conveyance runs frequently.  [Maude is in the Shire of Bannockburn.]  Top
MEREDITH [1882], in the police district of Geelong, is a small post town, money-order, savings bank, telegraph office and railway station, on the Geelong and Ballarat line, situated on the Coole Barghurk creek, seventy and a-half miles west of Melbourne, and twenty-five and a-half miles from Geelong.  The hotels are three.  The Meredith shire Council hold their meetings in the Hall opposite the Royal hotel.  Meredith has a State school, three churches, a court house and police station, and an agency of an insurance company.  There is a township five and a-quarter miles distant, named ELAINE, where very rich quartz leaders have been found, yielding a large quantity of gold.  There are six public houses and six stores.  MORRISONS, another gold field, is five miles from Meredith, accessible by a very good road.  A coach leaves the Royal hotel, Meredith, twice a day to meet the trains to and from Melbourne.  In the district about 3105 acres are under cultivation, cereals being principally grown.  [Meredith is in the Shire of Meredith.]  Top
MIDDLETON [1882], parish of Krambruk, a village at Apollo Bay, near Cape Otway.  It is a favorable watering place and a good fishing ground.  [Middleton is in the Shire of Colac.]  Top
MOOLAP [1890], A small postal village 50 miles SW of Melbourne and a station on the Queenscliff railway line.  Population, urban and scattered.  Top
MOUNT DUNEED [1890], A postal hamlet 8 miles south of Geelong and 55 miles SW of Melbourne on the Spring creek road.  From the mount there is an extensive view of Bass strait, Port Phillip, Barwon heads, Connewarre lakes, Cape Otway ranges, Geelong Town and the far-famed Barrabool hills.  There are two churches and State school.  The land is good agricultural and grazing.  Population, 155.  Top
MOUNT GELLIBRAND [1890], A postal and agricultural township 80 miles SW of Melbourne, via Birregurra.  There is an hotel and State school.  Top
MOUNT MORIAC [1882], a hamlet on the Geelong and Winchelsea road, twelve miles from Geelong.  Nearest railway station is Mount Moriac, two miles from Mount Moriac hamlet.  There is a Shire Hall, Post Office, Police Station, State school, Roman Catholic church and Bible Christian chapel, &c.  [Mount Moriac is in the Shire of Barrabool.]  Top
MURGHEBOLUC [1890], a small postal and agricultural village 57 miles SW of Melbourne.  Railway to Geelong.  Population, 47.  Top
MURROON [1890], A postal township 89 miles SW of Melbourne and 8 miles from Birregurra.  District agricultural, with scattered population.  There is one State school.  Top
NEWTOWN and CHILWELL [1890], A municipal township suburban to Geelong, 47 miles SW of Melbourne.  Many of the holdings are agricultural and a few are for grazing.  There are two woollen and cloth manufactories employing 156 hands.  The public buildings comprise two State schools (accommodating over 700 children), catholic orphanage and school for boys, an orphanage for girls in connection with the convent and conducted by the sisters of mercy and six places of worship.  The reading room at Chilwell (well supplied with books and papers) is intended for and used principally by working men and boys.  Through the liberality of Mrs Austin and others a much required addition has been made to the building, thereby increasing its advantages.  The places worth visiting are T Jeffery's celebrated fernery, containing one of the largest and most varied assortment of ferns to be found in any conservatory in the colony; and several pretty views of the Barwon and Moorabool rivers to be obtained from Herne hill and the highlands overlooking the valleys through which these rivers pass.  A grand view of Corio bay and the surrounding country for about 20 miles to the NW, N, and ESE, can be obtained from the top of Newtown hill, near the reservoir; or better still from the top of the look-0out in the beautifully laid out pleasure gardens attached to Jeffery's fernery hotel.  One of the most pleasantly situated sites for recreation is the Queens park, separated from the western boundary of the Borough by the Barwon river; at holiday times the park is largely patronised by pic-nic parties.  A short distance from the Queens park lies the extensive establishment of the Barwon paper mill; situated on the banks of the Barwon and driven by water-power, a long race of over ½-a-mile conducting the water to the driving shaft.  The machinery can be driven by steam-power if the water should fail.  The manufactory employs over 50 hands and turns out about 800 tons of paper yearly.  Top
PIRRON YALLOCK [1882], a postal township on the creek of the same name, which empties itself into Lake Corangamite, which also abuts on the township.  It lies ninety-six miles S.W. of Melbourne.  Population, about 450.  There is a State school.  The communication with Melbourne is by coach from Geelong, or via Colac.  It has been described as the garden of the colony; but the land outside is principally occupied by stations.  The district is noted for the large number of rabbits supplied thence to the Melbourne and Geelong markets.  [Pirron Yallock is in the Shire of Colac.]  Top
PORTARLINGTON [1882] is a post town, and has a savings bank and money-order office, and is favourably known as a healthy watering place.  There is a good jetty.  A large quantity of provisions are exported to Melbourne, New South Wales, and other places, giving employment to steamers and a number of sailing crafts of various sizes.  The town is an exceptionally clean one, and being situated on a slope facing Port Phillip Bay, within view of the surrounding shores, unfolds scenery of remarkable beauty.  The land to the south is rich black soil, and carries excellent crops of all kinds.  There is one church, a branch bank, two hotels, and two miles south a well built Scots' church.  There is a coach daily to and from Geelong, nineteen miles distant, which passes through Drysdale.  The Drysdale railway station is six miles distant.  [Portarlington is in the Shire of Bellarine.]  Top
PUEBLA [1882], a township on the coast, at the embouchre of Spring Creek, sixty miles from Melbourne.  [Puebla is in the Shire of Barrabool.]  Top
QUEENSCLIFF [1882] stands on a peninsula, formerly known as Shortland's Bluff, at the entrance of Port Phillip Bay, forty miles from Melbourne, and twenty miles from Geelong, connected with the main-land by an isthmus, 400 yards in width called the Narrows, and with its reserves occupies an area of about 200 acres.  The ground from the N. and N.E. rises gradually to the Upper Lighthouse, where the cliff is 74 ft. high, sloping from this to the Lower Lighthouse.  Lonsdale Bay forms the S.W. and Swan Bay the N.W. boundaries.  The visitor cannot fail to be struck with the natural beauty of the situation, especially in the approach by sea from Melbourne.  Queenscliff has a history dating as far back as 1846 or thereabouts.  What was then occupied by bush and a few wattle and thatch huts is now covered with gardens and villa residences, churches, schools, hotels, stores, and other buildings.  It is a pleasant resort at all times, and during the summer the most fashionable and crowded of watering places in Victoria.  The accommodation for visitors is ample and varied at the hotels and boarding-houses.  Waggonettes in connection with them are in waiting at the wharf on arrival of the steamers, two running regularly.  The position having been treated as a first line of defence, is commanded by a battery of heavy Armstrong guns, facing those on Point Nepean, to be manned by the local forces.  There are four churches belonging to the Anglican, Presbyterian, Wesleyan, and Roman Catholic bodies.  Near the Presbyterian church, and close to the cricket ground, stands the public library and reading room, well supplied with books; periodicals, and newspapers, and is open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.  The Foresters' hall in Learmonth street, is a large building, used as a court house, council chambers, concert and lecture room, and ball room, &c.  Public baths, for sea-bathing, have been established by the borough council, on the eastern and southern sides of the cliff, where visitors may enjoy an invigorating plunge in water flowing direct from the Southern Ocean.  The Swan Ponds, Yarram Creek, and the lighthouses are worthy of a visit.  Of pic-nic and pleasure grounds much may be said to the advantages and attractiveness of Queenscliff.  There are two principle reserves - the cricket ground and the public gardens.  The cricket ground commands the whole view of the Heads, and this is a special feature of Queenscliff.  From many parts of the cliff a sight of all vessels coming into the port and going out of it may be obtained.  POINT LONSDALE [1882] being only about three miles from Queenscliff, either by the beach or by road, is a very favorite pic-nic place.  It looks right upon Bass's Straits, and the view of the sea, with Cape Schank on the left, Barwon Heads on the right, and the Cape Otway Ranges in the distance, forms a wide and magnificent panorama.  Buckley's Cave is here, concerning which very many traditions are told.  It is certainly a remarkable excavation, and well worth a visit.  The Barwon Heads, about six miles from Point Lonsdale is another favorite resort.  The usual way of reaching it is by waggonette from Queenscliff.  Starting in another direction, and skirting the west side of Swan Bay, a pleasant drive through the bush will soon bring the visitor to St. Leonards, and further on to Portarlington.  The railway, designed on the recommendation of Sir William Jervois, is in full operation; and is very much favored by visitors and excursionists, as are also the coasting steamers.  [Queenscliff and Point Lonsdale are in the Borough of Queenscliff.]  Top
ROKEWOOD [1882], a telegraph station on Kurruc-a-ruc creek, eighty-six and a half miles from Melbourne, and forty-one and a half miles from Geelong, on main road to Hamilton and Portland.  Coach via Smythesdale to Ballarat daily, and to and from Geelong via Leigh road railway station on alternate days.  There are three hotels.  A good deal of land in the neighbourhood is under cultivation, chiefly cereals, but the country is mostly pastoral.  The Bank of Australasia has a branch here.  There are three churches, an Oddfellows' lodge, a State school, mechanics' institute, public library, and a police station.  [Rokewood is in the Shire of Leigh.]  Top
ROTHWELL (LITTLE RIVER) [1882], is a postal township and telegraph and railway station on the Melbourne and Geelong railway and is a spot of favorite resort for sportsmen from the abundance of game to be found.  There are hares, rabbits, and wild turkeys towards the beach of Port Phillip, hares and deer in the Anakie ranges, which lie a few miles inland, and ducks and wild swans on the creeks and swamps.  Rabbits are becoming very numerous in the You Yangs where good sport may be obtained.  There are two hotels.  The population is limited in number, and mostly engaged in farming.  [Rothwell is in the Shire of Corio.]  Top
SHELFORD [1882], a town on the river Leigh, twenty-four miles from Geelong, and sixty-nine miles from Melbourne.  It has one hotel.  Land nearly all pastoral, with the exception of a few selections, a small amount of which are cultivated.  There are two churches, a State school, mechanics' institute, and police station.  Senior Constable J Davidson in charge.  Coach passes from Leigh Road railway station to Rokewood on Tuesdays and Thursdays, returning on alternate days.  [Shelford is in the Shire of Leigh.]  Top
SPRING CREEK (TORQUAY) [1890], Situated 16 miles from Geelong; a very beautiful and picturesque spot and place of resort, which is extensively patronised by visitors during the summer months.  The scenery is attractive and at times good shooting and fishing can be obtained.  The coffee palace is a large and comfortable building containing 35 rooms.  There are a number of marine residences in the vicinity.  Top
ST LEONARDS (INDENTED HEAD) [1882], a bathing and fishing village on the shore of Port Phillip Bay, twenty-four miles S.W. of Melbourne by steamer.  The Queenscliff steamer takes and leaves passengers and goods for Melbourne and Queenscliff.  There is a splendid jetty with sixteen feet of water.  The surrounding country is chiefly used for grazing sheep.  There is one hotel and a State school.  It is situated twelve miles N. of Queenscliff, six miles from Portarlington, ten miles from Drysdale, twenty-two miles from Geelong, and sixty-eight miles from Melbourne.  There is a comfortable and well kept hotel.  The land in the district is adapted for grazing and farming.  [St Leonards is in the Shire of Bellarine.]  Top
STEIGLITZ [1882], a municipal township, savings bank, and money-order office, on Sutherland's creek, seventy-one miles W. of Melbourne, and seven miles distant from Meredith, the nearest station on the Geelong and Ballarat railway.  The communication was formerly via Geelong, but a coach now runs daily between Steiglitz and Meredith, carrying mails and passengers.  There is a mechanics' institute, with a library of 700 volumes; a State school and four hotels.  The district is a mining one, and extends over fifty square miles of grounds, the gold lying principally in quartz reefs, of which seventy-five are already known.  There are 268 miners at work on this field; the principal machinery is nine steam engines of 223 h.p.  The whole plant is valued at £14,618.  [Steiglitz is in the Shire of Meredith.]  Top
TEESDALE [1882], a small town on the Native creek, twenty miles from Geelong, and sixty-five miles from Melbourne.  Land mostly pastoral, with the exception of a few farms and selections, which are cultivated.  It has three churches, a mechanics' institute, and the shire secretary and engineer's office.  Coach arrangements same as Shelford.  [Teesdale is in the Shire of Leigh.]  Top
WABDALLAH (LEIGH ROAD) [1882], a station on the Geelong and Ballarat railway, sixty miles from Melbourne, has a money order and telegraph office and postal station, State school, three hotels, shire offices and two churches.  [Wabdallah is in the Shire of Bannockburn.]  Top
WAURN PONDS [1890], A prettily situated postal township about 6 miles from Geelong and 51 miles SW of Melbourne with one place of worship and a State school.  The occupation of the inhabitants is principally fruit-growing and agriculture.  McCann & Son have an extensive and celebrated limestone quarry in this district, the stone being valuable for higher architectural work.  Large quantities of fossils have been found and a remarkable deposit of angular quartz ground discovered between two limestone hills.  Population, 145.  Top
WENSLEYDALE [1890], A postal townshil 72 miles SW of Melbourne and situated on the verge of the Wormbete forest.  The district is chiefly confined to dairy farming.  Top
WINCHELSEA [1882], a postal township, with telegraph station, branch of Colonial Bank, savings bank and money-order office, shire hall, and public park and recreation reserve, on the Barwon river, twenty-five miles from Geelong, and seventy miles S.W. of Melbourne.  It is a station on the Geelong and Colac railway.  There are two hotels, a State school, and three places of worship.  Winchelsea has also one of the best block bluestone quarries in Victoria.  The district is mainly of a pastoral character, with patches of agricultural land.  14,799 acres of land are under cultivation, of which upwards of three-fourths are laid down in English grasses.  Public library has 2,500 volumes.  [Winchelsea is in the Shire of Winchelsea.]  Top



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