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Leopold: Street Names

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The following history of street names is reproduced from the Investigator with the kind permission of W. J. (Bill) Morrow and the Geelong Historical Society. Note : please remember that the Investigator began more than 30 years ago, therefore some names and buildings have since disappeared into history.

Allambie StreetWatkins Estate. Name of Watkins' farm at Leopold.
Athlon AvenueWatkins Estate. Name of Mrs. Watkins' family home at Woorndoo in Western District (family name - Barr.) Means 'peaceful place'.
Balmoral GardensAn allusion to the beautiful royal Balmoral Castle in Scotland: the land also seems to surround public land, probably ceded by the subdividers on which recreational buildings and equipment may later be erected. See Highland's Estate.
Barrabool CrescentThe origins are obvious as the proprietors have an affinity with Lorne and the country leading to it. See Tareeda Properties.
Bawtree RoadSamuel Bawtree was the original purchaser of the surrounding blocks from the Crown.
Bennett StreetCarroll Estate. Named after Mrs. Carroll's maiden surname.
Birchbank CrescentRunning off Christies Road, the land in the subdivision is owned by Mr. Jack Wellam, who intends to plant an avenue of birch trees on the land for environmental reasons.
Bisinella CourtBay City Views Estate. Prolific subdivider in the Lara area, Lino Bisinella has turned his attention to land in the Bellarine Rural City area, hence the two obvious namings (the other reference is to Lino Court, Whittington). Lino Bisinella was previously a plasterer.
Carroll StreetWatkins Estate. Named after Mr. L. Carroll - subdivider.
Christies RoadThe surname of the proprietor of the hotel that once stood at the road's junction with the Drysdale Road, Curlewis - the Help Me Through The World and later the Union Hotel.
Courtney DriveBay City Views Estate. Named by the surveyor after Courtney Blood, a family friend. The name suggested itself because the adjoining estate had a street named Amy Court and Courtney Blood has a sister Amy.
Credo CourtKensington Park. This small court in the estate carries the name of an early goldmining area near Kalgoorlie which was visited regularly by the subdivider's father who was in charge of the district ore stamper.
Cresta StreetWatkins Estate. Crest of Leopold Hill.
Dalhaus CourtTakes the family name of the subdivider, Theo Dalhaus.
Dane CourtNamed after the proprietors' youngest son, Dane Tristan, borne at Lorne on September 4, 1979. See Tareeda Properties
Dendle StreetStanley Dendle was said to have farmed the land comprising the sub-division for forty or more years, but his forebears had been there for over a century. Although the Dendle family did not name the street, the then owner apparently thought it an appropriate name for the central street.
Dorothy StreetSimons Estate. Named after Dorothy Thoms, wife of surveyor Arthur Clive Thoms and a relative of Mr. P. B. Simons.
Emma CourtThis street in the Warrawee Heights Estate takes the name of Emma, the five-year-old daughter of the subdivider, Russell Walker.
Glen CourtGlenfield Estate. Subdivider, architect Wal Hodgson, carried on business at 'Glenfield', 45 McKillop Street, earlier occupied (from 1896) by solicitor, Hodges Hall; for the purposes of the subdivision he contracted the name to Glen Court.
Glengarwyn RoadWatkins Estate. Street in Pontypool, Wales, where Mr. E. C. Watkins was born.
Highland's EstateThis estate lies west of Christies Road (named after an early proprietor of the Union Inn which was situated on the Drysdale Road near Curlewis); the street names chosen have no particular significance, being chosen for their immediate appeal to land buyers.
Highland WayThe subdivision is on high land abutting the south side of Drysdale Road. See Highland's Estate.
Kambalda CourtKensington Park, Rebecca Drive Estate. The subdivisional name originally selected by the subdivider, Jim Elliott, of mobile crane fame, was not acceptable to the Bellarine municipality which allocated the name of the flourishing mining centre, Kambalda, Western Australia.
Kanimbla AvenueWatkins Estate. Named after troopship of World War II on which Mr. Watkins served.
Lawrence StreetCarroll Estate. Named after Christian name of Mr. Carroll.
Leicester Park EstateThe family of Charles Malpas (the inventor of the popular wine cask of today) has held Leicester Park for many years; his son, John, gave the geographical name to the subdivisional street.
Maddison AvenueKensington Park. The land in this subdivision was known as Illa Langi and was sold to the subdivider, Murray McAllister, by Mrs Gwynneth Maddison, a well-known resident of Leopold. As he had used up most of his family references, the family name of the vendor was an obvious solution for him.
Neri StreetCrawcour Estate. Hebrew word - meaning light.
Nicholas StreetBay City Views Estate. Named after the young son of the surveyor of the estate, Rick Payne, of A. C. Thomas and Partners.
Otway CourtThe origins are obvious as the proprietors have an affinity with Lorne and the country leading to it. See Tareeda Properties.
Rebecca CourtCarries the name of the daughter of Roy Harris, a surveyor with Southern Surveys. See Tareeda Properties
Ridgeview CourtRidgeview Court Estate. This court is so named because the estate is sited on a ridge which enables all the blocks to have a fine, uninterrupted view of Geelong.
Simons StreetSimons Estate. Named after subdivider late Mr. P. B. Simons.
Tamar CourtCrawcour Estate. Biblical - Child of King David.
Tareeda PropertiesJ.A. and V. Callanan, trading as Tareeda Properties, [ ... ] supplied the origins of streets named by them.
The CourtRunning off Ash Road, this street was named by the proprietors' daughter, Taryn, born at Lorne on August 8, 1977 - it is an unusually long street but remains a court. See Tareeda Properties
Tivon HeightsCrawcour Estate. Town in Israel between Haifa and Nazareth.
Viewbay DriveAll lots face north and have an unrestricted view of Corio Bay. See Highland's Estate.
Washington GardensThis is the main street of the second part of the subdivision and has an obvious American flavour - Washington D.C. See Highland's Estate.
Wellam CourtJohn Wellam of the well-known earth-moving family subdivided the Mallew Estate - obviously a reversal of the family name.
Whitehorse RoadThe Whitehorse Hotel stood at this road's junction with the Queenscliff Road.

Last Updated on Sunday, 10 May 2009 21:22  

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