Geelong and District

...covering local and family history in the greater Barwon region

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GDHA Church Records Database

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ONLY LICENSED organisations have access to this database.  Do NOT request lookups by email - they CANNOT be answered.  Requests can ONLY be submitted by valid Research Requests to the relevant licensed organisations.  Alternatively you can visit one of the licensed organisations to do your own research.

What is it? This database has been compiled by volunteers from local societies who are members of the Geelong & District Historical Association.  It includes full transcriptions of Baptisms, Marriages and Burials from churches throughout the wider Geelong & District region and is part of an ongoing project.  NOTE: not all churches / religions recorded the same detail so the amount of information will vary between churches.
Who can use it? This database CANNOT be sold or published and is for the explicit use of the Organisations who have contributed to the database.  At the request of these organisations, a full copy is also made available to churches who have provided access to their registers to assist with this project.

What are the benefits?

Many organisations have already indexed or transcribed some of their local church records, however the benefit of having these records included in the Geelong & District Church Records database means that they will find many “locals” baptised, married or buried in other churches or registers in the region.  This is particularly relevant for early events when “local” church services were recorded in registers of the early Geelong churches and are not available locally.

Use of data in this database

As already stated, the database cannot be sold or published, however it is for the use of each eligible organisation and internal procedures should prevail.  If society research officers or visitors to the society are researching their family, you may print relevant pages for them and follow your normal charging procedures – i.e. cost per printed page etc.  Normal procedures for referencing the source etc. should be encouraged.

How many records?

The number of records keeps growing as all three databases are ongoing projects.  As at August 2012 the number of records is:

Baptisms                                                 66,221
Marriages                                                 21,688     **
Burials                                                       6,628

** 10,844 marriages listed under both spouses

See the list of churches and records as at last release.

Limited indexes to the records in this database can be searched online in the Geelong & District Database:

Fields include:

  • Name
  • Year
  • Event [Baptism, Marriage, Burial - separate indexes have also be added for the name of the Parents for each event, name of Spouse for burials, and name of Witnesses for marriages]
  • Other Names [Spouse for marriage, Bride or Groom for marriage Witnesses, and Child for baptism Sponsors]
  • Place / Town

Updated database

It is anticipated that one or two updates will be released each year – obviously this relies on more data being added to the databases to warrant an updated version.  Any organisation already “licensed” to use this database is automatically eligible for an updated version (it is not reliant on that organisation contributing further data – once eligible for access to the database, that organisation is eligible to the updates.  However, an organisation is not required to take updates although it’s unlikely that you wouldn’t want the latest version!

Organisations licensed to use this database

See Geelong & District Research Centres for contact & location details:

  • Bellarine Historical Society Inc.

  • Geelong Family History Group Inc.

  • Winchelsea & District Historical Society Inc.

  • Birregurra & District Historical Group

  • Colac & District Family History Group

  • Bellbrae History Group





Last Updated on Sunday, 04 September 2016 04:46  

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