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Home All Databases Pot-pourri database Pot-pourri indexes Geelong District: Geelong Court of Insolvency 1855-1864 [VPRS 815]

Geelong District: Geelong Court of Insolvency c.1854-1933 [VPRS 815]

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Source of Index Pam Jennings and Geelong region volunteers

Further details of many of these database indexes may be available through the Geelong Family History Group.

Make sure you look at the two Research Options on their website and most importantly follow the link to the GFHG Research Files Catalogue List to check for these or many more indexes and documents.

Source and/or Location of Records
Explanation of Fields
  • NAME: Name of Insolvent(s)
  • DATE: Date of Insolvency papers (records in each file can range over a number of years
  • COMMENT: Occupation and location (residence) of Insolvent and relevant comments
  • REFERENCE: VPRS number, UNIT number, and SCHEDULE number.  NOTE: The Unit number is the actual Unit (box) in which the file (schedule) is actually located as at 9 January 2009.  If the PROV On-line catalogue showed a different Unit number at the time, this is shown in the COMMENT field.  Differences between actual and catalogue Units may be updated by PROV or in exceptional circumstances the file may be relocated - hence the reason for giving both actual and catalogue locations where they differ.
Completed Index? NO

VPRS 815 contains 164 Units:

  • 153 Units have been checked and indexing completed (NOTE: these are not all consecutive / chronological units)
  • 11 Units are still to be checked and indexed - these contain a variety of files such as Deeds of Arrangement, Proof of Debt etc.
Number of entries Updated: 27th December 2013
  • 4,152 entries
More Information? View the files at the Public Record Office Victoria - bundle of files for each Schedule may include the following:
  • Affidavit / correspondence from the Insolvent explaining the circumstances
  • Schedule of assets and debts
  • Affidavits from creditors
  • Court orders

They are definitely worth viewing!

Can you help? This is an ongoing project.

If you would like to assist with indexing the Geelong Court of Insolvency Schedules, please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it who is co-ordinating this project.

About the Geelong Court of Insolvency and the Schedules
  • 17 April 1855 - John Henry MERCER, newly appointed Commissioner of Insolvent Estates for Geelong, opened court for the first time at the Masonic Hall, Union Street
  • Insolvency reports appeared regularly in the Geelong Advertiser from that date
From the PROV on-line catalogue:

Function / content

This series consists of the Schedules, Orders, Deeds of Arrangement, Deeds of Assignment and other documentation as required by the cases heard before the Commissioner for Insolvency and the Court of Insolvency at Geelong.

Most of these records are the Schedules of documents developed for each case of insolvency. These Schedules may include a Petition; the Appointment of Assignee; the particulars of landed property and other property; Sworn Claims of Creditors or Proofs of Debt; Summary of Creditors' Claims; Minutes of meetings of Creditors; Reports by the Assignee or Trustee; Orders Absolute or Nisi and Affidavits of Conformity.

Other small groups of records include Certificates of Conformity and Certificates of Discharge (contents date range 1858 to 1862); Deeds of Arrangement and Deeds of Assignment. In boxes whose contents are described as Miscellaneous are, as well as the types of documentation in other boxes, Plaint Summons and Miscellaneous correspondence and Memoranda regarding administrative matters from the Court at Geelong to the Minister of Justice or the Crown Law Department.

Papers in these files refer to the Geelong Circuit District and cover a huge area [not just Geelong] - there are people from Warrnambool, Belfast, Rothwell, Ballarat and Ararat just to name a few places.

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Home All Databases Pot-pourri database Pot-pourri indexes Geelong District: Geelong Court of Insolvency 1855-1864 [VPRS 815]