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Home All Databases Pot-pourri database Pot-pourri indexes Deans Marsh: Deans Marsh Store - Ledger Book

Deans Marsh: Deans Marsh Store - Ledger Book

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Source of Index Birregurra and District History Centre
Source and/or Location of Records
  • Birregurra and District History Centre holds the Deans Marsh Store Ledger Book for the period 29 May 1882 - 22 Nov 1883.  Email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to arrange a Research Request or a visit to the Centre to view the Ledger.
Explanation of Fields
  • NAME: Name of person or organisation
  • DATE: Date of the Ledger Book
  • COMMENT: Page number for the relevant entry / entries
Completed Index? YES
Number of entries Updated: 9th March 2009
  • 346 entries
About the Deans Marsh store

John BELL was the owner of the store / hotel at the time of this Ledger Book.

From the Surf Coast Shire heritage places:

After the Melbourne-Geelong railway line was extended to Winchelsea in 1876, the Mountjoy brothers of Lorne opened a coaching service for passengers and mail between Lorne and Winchelsea. The coach journey from Winchelsea railway station to Lorne took about 6 hours, so a halfway stop was needed along the route where horses could be changed and travellers could enjoy refreshments (Cecil 1990: 77; Millard 1985: 20) The Deans Marsh Hotel became that place.

Earlier, in 1874, John Bell, a Deans Marsh farmer, built a grocery store and residence on the west side of the Winchelsea Road about 60 yards from the present store corner. This site, at the junction of the Winchelsea, Birregurra and Lorne Roads, became the centre of the little Deans Marsh township. (Millard 1985: 18) Four years later, in 1878, John Bell had a timber hotel built adjoining his store to take advantage of the coach travellers coming to the district after the opening of the Winchelsea railway station. The hotel and its stables were built by Thomas Hunt, a local carpenter. (Millard 1985: 19)

Bambra Riding rate records confirm that by 1879-80, John Bell, storekeeper, owned a dwelling and store, and a hotel and stables, valued at £40. (Shire of Winchelsea Rate Books 1879-80 Bambra Riding: No. 214)

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