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Home All Databases About the Pot-pourri DB Pot-pourri indexes Geelong District: Assisted Immigrants

Geelong District: Assisted Immigrants

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Source of Index Compiled by Susie Zada with contributions from other local volunteers.

Further details of many of these database indexes may be available through the Geelong Family History Group.

Make sure you look at the two Research Options on their website and most importantly follow the link to the GFHG Research Files Catalogue List to check for these or many more indexes and documents.

Source and/or Location of Records
  • List of Ships carrying overseas immigrants arriving at Point Henry / Geelong [NOTE: in the 19th century, port of arrival stated as Geelong generally meant Point Henry as most larger ships could not cross the sandbar into Geelong.
  • Public Record Office Victoria - Index to Assisted British Immigration 1839-1871 for passengers on ships identified from the "local" arrivals
Explanation of Fields
  • NAME: Passenger [there could be multiple entries for passengers if there are multiple Books - lists - on which they appear.  In some cases this could be a list of passengers sent to the Depot - Immigration Depot]
  • DATE: Date of arrival of ship
  • PLACE: Place of arrival of ship [Generally Point Henry or Geelong but could be a Depot list]
  • COMMENT: Age of passenger [in many cases this is just "0"]
  • REFERENCE: Name of ship
  • REFERENCE DETAIL: Book and page reference for each entry
Completed Index?


Number of entries Updated: 18th May 2014
  • 39,885
More Information? Please don't email asking for more information on any of these entries - I don't have ANY information on them - just the details provided that you can view for yourself.  My best suggestion would be for you to:
  • View the microfiche  Immigration to Victoria: Registers of Assisted Immigrants 1839-1871 VPRS 7310
  • These microfiche are available at the Public Record Office reading rooms, many genealogical and family history societies, public libraries, university libraries, and are starting to appear on Ancestry and Findmypast.
  • Some of these passengers left the district very soon after arriving but many stayed on in the region or returned to the area after initial moves to other parts of the colony - Port Phillip / Victoria.
Search Geelong & District Database - Many of the passengers may also appear in immigration type indexes in the Geelong & District Database: Orphan Immigrants; Assisted Immigrants Remittances; Immigration Depot Funerals; Immigration Depot Returns as well as any of the other local indexes in the database.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 July 2020 02:20  

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Home All Databases About the Pot-pourri DB Pot-pourri indexes Geelong District: Assisted Immigrants