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Home All Databases About the Pot-pourri DB Pot-pourri indexes Western District: Diaries of Augustus BOSTOCK 1854-1865

Western District: Diaries of Augustus BOSTOCK 1854-1865

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Yet to be indexed - Diaries of Augustus BOSTOCK 1854-1865.

Thelma BIRRELL has transcribed these diaries and added informative background details throughout the transcription.  Over the years, Thelma has included sections of these diaries on the AUS-VIC-WESTERN-DISTRICT mailing list and recently offered to email copies of the transcription to anyone interested in them.

Thelma has very generously given permission for her transcription to be made available freely on this web site.  Over time we will do some editing [with Thelma's approval] and upload an updated version.  After page formatting our volunteers will index the huge number of names and places mentioned in the transcription referenced to page numbers in the PDF document and add that index to the Geelong & District database - so many of the names and places in the diaries appear in other database records, so this will help searchers find more references to their families.

Thank you Thelma.

Further details of many of these database indexes may be available through the Geelong Family History Group.

Make sure you look at the two Research Options on their website and most importantly follow the link to the GFHG Research Files Catalogue List to check for these or many more indexes and documents.

Source and/or Location of Records
Completed Index? No - to be commenced after further formatting
Number of entries Updated: 23 March 2013
  • 0  entries
Search In the future this will be included in the Geelong & District Database

Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 July 2020 02:22  

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Home All Databases About the Pot-pourri DB Pot-pourri indexes Western District: Diaries of Augustus BOSTOCK 1854-1865