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Home All Databases About the Pot-pourri DB Pot-pourri indexes Steiglitz: Court Records 1862-1864, 1868-79, 1899 [VPRS 351]

Steiglitz: Court Records 1862-1864, 1868-79, 1899 [VPRS 351]

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Source of Index Tony Scott, Steiglitz Historical Society & Geelong region volunteer

Further details of many of these database indexes may be available through the Geelong Family History Group.

Make sure you look at the two Research Options on their website and most importantly follow the link to the GFHG Research Files Catalogue List to check for these or many more indexes and documents.

Source and/or Location of Records
  • Steiglitz Courts: License Register (1862-1864); Charge Book (1868-1879); Court of Petty Sessions Registers (1899)
  • Public Record Office Victoria, North Melbourne
  • VPRS 351 P0 Units 2, 3 & 4
Explanation of Fields
  • NAME: Either Prosecutor / Complainant / Applicant OR Defendant - COMMENT field will explain which
  • DATE: of court sitting
  • OTHER NAMES: Either Prosecutor / Complainant / Applicant OR Defendant - COMMENT field will explain which
  • COMMENT: Reason for court appearance, and explanation of NAME and OTHER NAMES field for EACH entry
  • REFERENCE: Court records
  • DETAILED REFERENCE: VPRS number and UNIT number (entries are generally in chronological order within each unit)
Completed Index? NO

VPRS 351 contains 3 consignments and 8 Units:

  • P0 Unit 2: Petty Sessions Registers 1899
  • P0 Unit 3: License Register 1862-1864
  • P0 Unit 4: Charge Book 1868-1879
Number of entries Updated: 17th March 2012
  • 2, 634 entries
  • Many of these have been duplicated as each entry contains two sets of names - Prosecutor and Defendant.
More Information? View the registers at the Public Record Office Victoria or submit a Research Request to the Steiglitz Historical Society for the transcription of these details and copy of relevant page: :
  • How before the court?: Arrest, summons etc
  • Fees: associated with court appearance
  • Charge, cause or proceeding: more detail than provided in the COMMENT field
  • Decision, memo of conviction or order
  • Remarks
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Home All Databases About the Pot-pourri DB Pot-pourri indexes Steiglitz: Court Records 1862-1864, 1868-79, 1899 [VPRS 351]