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Home All Databases About the Pot-pourri DB Pot-pourri indexes Geelong District: select land files from various VPRS at PROV

Geelong District: select land files from various VPRS at PROV

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Source of Index Pam Jennings and Geelong region volunteers
Source and/or Location of Records
  • Geelong District: select files relevant to the Geelong region from different land file records
  • Public Record Office Victoria, North Melbourne
  • VPRS 625, 626, 13117 [various]
Explanation of Fields
  • NAME: Name of land applicant / lessee / owner
  • DATE: relevant to file
  • PLACE: Location of land
  • COMMENT: may include allotment number etc
  • REFERENCE: VPRS number, UNIT number and possibly file number
Completed Index? NO - ongoing project
Number of entries Updated: 27th December 2013
  • 208 entries
More Information? View the relevant files [VPRS nnn] at the Public Record Office Victoria. These land files contain wonderful information concerning those who applied to lease the land, pay the rent and eventually own it outright.  In many cases the rent was not able to be paid and someone else then took over the land.  The files may contain:
  • maps showing the land in question and adjoining owners
  • crops being grown
  • date of selection
  • reasons for not paying the lease
  • letters from adjoining owners
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Home All Databases About the Pot-pourri DB Pot-pourri indexes Geelong District: select land files from various VPRS at PROV