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Home All Databases About the Pot-pourri DB Pot-pourri indexes Geelong: Geelong Advertiser - Solomons Weekly Feature 1943-1945

Geelong: Geelong Advertiser - Solomons Weekly Feature 1943-1945

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Source of Index GFHG and GDHA members - GFHG Document B/NEW/38

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Source and/or Location of Records
  • Geelong Advertiser - Solomons Weekly Feature 1943-1945
Explanation of Fields
  • NAME: Name of person / subject
  • DATE: Geelong Advertiser publication date
  • COMMENT: Feature / article number
Completed Index? YES
Number of entries Updated: 13th September 2009
  • 207 entries
About the Solomons' Weekly feature

The Foreword to this series of articles, later reprinted in book form ...

EARLY GEELONG: In reprinting this pictorial record of Early Geelong, the publishers are actuated by the great public interest shown in Solomons "Do You Remember" series, which appeared in the Geelong Advertiser from 1943 to 1945 - when no fewer than 139 of these illustrations appeared.  Subsequently, two separate volumes were published in 1944 and 1945 respectively.  Now, after being revised, reset and brought up-to-date, both volumes are included in this publication.

We wish here to acknowledge the Geelong Advertiser as the original publisher and John A Henry, Editor, as author of the "DO YOU REMEMBER" series.

From many directions have come manifestations of appreciation, which, if it were needed, would supply conclusive evidence of the eagerness of Geelong people to perpetuate the rich historical records of their city and district.

It is that desire, coupled with the added incentive of numerous direct requests, that has prompted the presentation in brochure form of the DO YOU REMEMBER? series of illustrations and thumbnail sketches.

Solomons Pty Ltd take this opportunity to thank many kind friends who have provided facts, materials and suggestions that have made the publication of this brochure possible.

In the hope that it will exercise a constructive influence towards the consummation of those ideals that inspired the formation of the Historical Society, this book is dedicated to Geelong - as we remember it and as we visualise it in the future.

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Home All Databases About the Pot-pourri DB Pot-pourri indexes Geelong: Geelong Advertiser - Solomons Weekly Feature 1943-1945