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Home All Databases About the Pot-pourri DB Pot-pourri indexes Geelong: Geelong Advertiser - occupation of Crown Lands 1853

Geelong: Geelong Advertiser - occupation of Crown Lands 1853

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Source of Index GFHG and GDHA members - GFHG Document B/LAN/9

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Source and/or Location of Records
  • Occupation of Crown Lands for Pastoral Purposes: assessment on Stock for the Year 1853, Geelong Advertiser 25 February 1853
  • Geelong Family History Group document [B/LAN/9] - transcript of the article.  The details are available from the Geelong Family History Group or can be viewed in person in the GFHG library at the Bellarine Historical Society.


NOTE: The entries reference a page number in the GFHG document, and NOT the date or page in the Geelong Advertiser.  If you use the microfilms of the Geelong Advertiser, you will need to search the relevant issue for the article, and then the individual entry in the article.

Explanation of Fields
  • NAME: Name of person / occupier
  • DATE: Geelong Advertiser publication date
  • REFERENCE: Page number in the Geelong Family History Group transcription document [10 pages]
Completed Index? YES
Number of entries Updated: 7th September 2009
  • 446 entries
About "Occupation of Crown Lands for Pastoral Purposes"
  • This article appeared in the Geelong Advertiser on 25 February 1853

Introduction - from Colonial Secretary's Office, Melbourne, 7th February, 1853:

His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor directs the publication, for the information of all persons concerned, of the under-mentioned estimates of the extent and grazing capabilities of the several runs of Crown Lands, in the respective Districts of the Colony, as framed by the Commissioners of Crown Lands, for the purpose of determinating the amount of License fee to be paid by each licensed occupant of the same during the year.

2. Payment of the license fee in accordance with this estimate must be made at the Colonial Treasury, Melbourne, on or before the 31st day of March next.

3. It will, however, be optional with those persons who may object to the estimate arrived at with respect to runs in their respective runs in their licensed occupation to appeal to His Excellency on or before the 10th of March next for further consideration of the quantity of stock their runs will carry.

By His Excellency's Command, W LONSDALE

Detail includes Address; Area; and Livestock

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Home All Databases About the Pot-pourri DB Pot-pourri indexes Geelong: Geelong Advertiser - occupation of Crown Lands 1853