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Home All Databases About the Pot-pourri DB Pot-pourri indexes Geelong: Geelong Advertiser - Early History - South Geelong 1933

Geelong: Geelong Advertiser - Early History - South Geelong 1933

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Source of Index GFHG and GDHA members - GFHG Document B/LOC/GEE/30

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NOTE: The entries reference a page number in the GFHG document, and NOT the date or page in the Geelong Advertiser.  If you use the microfilms of the Geelong Advertiser, you will need to search the years of issues for the articles in this series, and then the individual entry in the article(s).

Explanation of Fields
  • NAME: Name of person, place or subject
  • COMMENT: Occupation or comment
  • REFERENCE: Page number in the Geelong Family History Group transcription document [50 pages]
Completed Index? YES
Number of entries Updated: 7th September 2009
  • 424 entries
About "Early History of South Geelong", John Henry BOTTRELL and the Geelong Advertiser
  • Geelong Advertiser commenced 21 November 1840
  • The series "Early History - South Geelong" was a regular feature from c.1933
  • This series focussed on the early homes of South Geelong, their occupants and all things relating to the early history of South Geelong.

John Henry BOTTRELL wrote many articles which were published in the Geelong Advertiser - his reminiscences together with information from residents at the time - covering different locations and aspects of history in Geelong.

John Henry was born in Irish Town, Chilwell in 1855, the son of Welsh parents William BOTTRELL and Nancy CHAPPELL.  William BOTTRELL was a quarryman.  In 1878 John Henry BOTTRELL married Isabel WALLACE (born Fifeshire).  Their first child was born in Geelong in 1879 however by 1881 the couple had moved to Daylesford where their next two children were born.

In 1921 BOTTRELL was referred to as a retired Headmaster when he held Study Circle Meetings for the Geelong Women's Christian Temperance Union.  John Henry and his spinster sister, Elizabeth Ann, were both active in the Geelong branch of the WCTU.  Elizabeth Ann was Press Correspondent from 1923 until her death in 1933 and John Henry was Auditor.  He took over as Press Correspondent until his death in 1935.  It was during the 1920s and 30s that many of his history articles appeared in the Geelong Advertiser.

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Home All Databases About the Pot-pourri DB Pot-pourri indexes Geelong: Geelong Advertiser - Early History - South Geelong 1933