• Occupation: Engine Driver. • Obituary, 1913. Mr. T. P. Murray We deeply regret to record the death of Mr. Thos. P. Murray of West Wyalong the sad event taking place at an early hour on Thursday morning. Deceased, who was 48 years of age, had been ailing for a number of years, and had undergone several costly and painful operations without any permanent relief, so that death came as a happpy release to his sufferings. The late Mr. Murray was one of the oldest and best known residents of this field. Coming here at its inception from the New England district, he followed mining pursuits, and was for several years in the employ of Mr. Jas. Channon as an engine driver. He was a great worker for the Labour Cause and was for several years President of the local League. He was a prominent member of the A.M.A. and was also a Past Grand Master of the Loyal Wyalong Branch of Manchester Unity Oddfellows, which branch he joined some 15 years ago. He was an ardent worker in the cause of Oddfellowship, and was a much respected and greatly esteemed member of the Branch. He also occupied the position of Trustee of the Branch. He was held in high respect and esteem by all sections of the community and was in every way a sterling citizen. The funeral takes place to-day (Friday) when the M.U. Oddfellows will march to the cemetery. A wife and one child are left to mourn their sad and irreparable loss, and extending to them our sincere and heartfeld sympathy, we feel sure that we are echoing the sentiments of the town and district. FROM "PIONEERS OF WYALONG PRE 1920", p 228, Son of John MURRAY and Margaret NORTON. ![]() Thomas married Elizabeth ELLIS in 1900 in Newtown, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.1 (Elizabeth ELLIS was born est 1865.) |
NOTE : Thank you to the following for their input - James Stephen NIALL, Betty FUSSEN, Dos MURRAY, Margaret McCULLOCH, Marjorie McDONALD. Information has been submitted by various people - please CHECK the details before making decisions based on this data. Send corrections / updates to szada@zades.com.au or PO Box 639, Ocean Grove Vic 3226
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