(est 1825-1893) |
• Name. Check if surname is BARNFIELD or PLASTER - UK Free BMD shows a Jane PLASTER and a James BARNFIELD on the same page of marriages for Melburne MANN. From this it appears that Jane PLASTER is the correct name, however when Frances married William McCAY in 1868 her parents were listed as Melbourne MANN and Jane BARNFIELD. Melbourne MANN gave permission for his underage daughter to marry. ![]() Jane married Milburn MANN before Jun 1845 in Tetbury, Gloucestershire, England.1 (Milburn MANN was born est 1825 in Tetbury, Gloucestershire, England and died on 20 Feb 1903 in Tetbury, Gloucestershire, England.)
• Biography. Melbourne and Jane MANN returned to Tetbury England : death details on this couple provided by Barbara MANN researching this family (also used a professional genealogist, David Nicholas, in their family who travelled to England to trace the family back to 1684). |
1 Free BMD, Free BMD web site, June 1845 Quarter Vol 11 Page 593.
Thank you to the following for their input - James Stephen NIALL, Betty FUSSEN, Dos MURRAY, Margaret McCULLOCH, Marjorie McDONALD.
Information has been submitted by various people - please CHECK the details before making decisions based on this data. Send corrections / updates to or PO Box 639, Ocean Grove Vic 3226
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